Chapter 6~ Killing Spree pt.1

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Scenes contain somewhat blood and gory stuff. Then again this IS a creepypasta fanfic so it's to be expected.

Raine's POV

As I was walking down the stairs to to weapons room I started to think about things.

What were those weird makes on her back? I mean, they don't look like regular scars. Well maybe her damn parent thought it would be okay to hurt her and just blame it on an 'accident'. Well anyway, where should I take her first. Well we have to kill her parents so we should do that. She would like to kill them anyway. So it's settled, we kill her parents first.

As I finally decided what I wanted to do I reached the weapons room. I leaned against a table boredly. After a minute Mack came into the room. I smiled at her happily.

"Make sure to get your weapon." I smiled happily.

"Thanks." She said as she walked over and picked up her weapon then walked down to the front door.

I skipped after her happily. Well at least she was more confidant now. When we reached the front door a couple of the Pastas wished us luck as we walked out of the door and into the dark woods. I waved back to them and led Mack threw the woods skipping and humming 'Hide and Seek'. (Song above^)

Mack's POV

As Raine and I walked through the woods, I quietly admired the beauty of the forest. It was eerie which only added to its beauty. The full moon was casting shadows on the ground. After a while of walking we finally stopped. I looked at the house to see that it was mine. Why were we here? I don't like this.

"Okay, we're here." Raine said next to me.

"Why did you choose my parents house first?" I asked her. This was the ONE place I never wanted to go and she knows that.

"In order to live with us, you need to erase all traces of your past." She said like it was normal.

"O-ok" I said nervously and neared the house.

I looked inside to see that it was dark. Can I really do this? I thought as I climbed through a slightly opened window. I walked around the house to find my 'parents' and shivered while looking around the rooms and remembering the bad memories. All the times they would hit me or hit each other. I heard the tv on in the next room and looked in to see my 'parents' on the couch making out. Gross. There ware empty beer bottles all over the floor. No wonder why they're so lovey dovey. They're drunk. I heard them talking so I stood in the shadow of the doorway so I could listen.

"I can't believe we finally got rid of that brat." My so called 'mother' giggled happily.

"Yea. Who knew that she was the source of all our trouble, we should have dumped her long ago." My alleged 'father' laughed happily.

My heart broke into a million pieces. I kept listening to them go on about how I was a mistake and how they were happy I was gone. My heart broke more and more as I listened. Then my 'mother' got off the couch and headed for the bathroom. I fallowed her soundlessly and wait outside the bathroom for her to finish washing her hands. The door was open so I just had to wait for her to look away from the mirror. When she finally looked away from the mirror I snuck up behind her and covered her mouth with my hand. When she looked back into the mirror and saw that it was me with a weapon she tried to scream but they were muffled by my hand. She could scream all she wanted but daddy dear wasn't coming to her rescue. I put my knife up to her neck.

"So you think I'm a mistake huh? You think that I'm the cause of all the terrible things in your life? Well, guess what, I'm a fate worse than death." I whispered to her before I slashed her throat open which made blood spurt all over the mirror.

I let go of her and she dropped to the floor with blood coming out of her neck making a puddle under her. I smiled at my handy work. I walked out of the bathroom because it was time to kill the bastard. I walked back to the living room loudly so that my footsteps could be heard.

"About time you got back Susan." I heard 'father' say as I stood in the shadow of the doorway. "What's the matter? Why aren't you talking to me?" He asked.

"Sorry, but mom won't be waking up anytime soon." I said with a sinister smirk on my face as I slowly neared him.

"M-Mackenzie, w-what are y-you doing?" He stuttered.

"I've come to take revenge on you, you god damn terrible excuse for a father." I growled and quickly grabbed his throat and squeezed as hard as I could.

He kicked around struggling for air. He ended up kicking me in the gut, hard, which made me let go. My 'father' scrambled to his feet and tried to run but I quickly got back up and tackled to the floor.

"Please, please spare me! I'm sorry for all the terrible things we did to you!" He screamed/begged as he laid helpless with my knife just inches away from his face.

"It's too late! You made my life a living hell! Now I'm returning the favor!" I yelled angrily as I drove my knife into his eye causing him to scream in agony.

I pulled his eye out then violently stabbed his throat. Blood sprayed all over me and the floors and walls near by. I started to stab his chest over and over and over again getting all my pent up anger out. When I finally stopped there was blood everywhere and his body was a gory mess.

When I stood up I got an idea. I bent down and dipped my hand in the crimson red blood to get more on it. I walked over to a wall, that didn't have blood all over it, a wrote "I'M A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH...". I then walked out of the house with my heart broken and scarred.

Okay Wolfie! How'd you like it? I was about half asleep writing this so I'm not sure that it's as good. Well this is part 1! of the killing spree. And trust me, next half there are some crazy things happening.

Well remember to:
Comment if I did something wrong! (I'm always open to knew ideas)
And to check out MackEXE!!
Amazing friend and fun to Rp with.

Bye bye Wolfie!

When She Meets A Rainbow ~creepypasta fanfic~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz