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AS THE GROUP of Eternals made their way to Iraq where their ship was, Leo sat alone in the back of the private jet with his eyes closed until he felt someone take the seat next to him. He opened one eye and saw that Druig had taken the seat next to him.

"You know there are a lot of open seats on this plane." Leo said, closing his eyes again and trying his best to ignore the fact that his ex boyfriend and current situationship was sitting next to him.

"I can see that yes, but I needed to talk to you about something Ikaris told me, it's pretty funny actually I think you'll want to hear it." Druig said and Leo tensed at his words, damn you Ikaris. Leo opened his eyes and sat up, turning his body to face Druig's direction, Druig was already looking at him and a mild hint of anger in his eyes.

"He told me a funny story of you going out with someone else, quite recently actually, I wonder how he would feel knowing about us?" Druig said sarcasm laced in his voice, Leo rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Not that my love life is any of your business, you know because you broke up with me, I went out with someone once and it didn't work out. And in case you didn't realize there's nothing going on between us, so why would he care about what one of my exes has to say." Leo said offering Druig a sarcastic smile, which Druig did not take kindly to.

"Is that all I am to you? Just an ex?" Druig asked less sarcasm and more genuinely dripping in his voice. Leo had to calm himself from the question, the audacity Druig had angered Leo, he let out a sigh before answering.

"You made sure of that, you made sure to break my heart and leave me alone. Did you expect me to never try to be happy again?"

"You told me once, by the river in the Amazon, that you'd never stop loving me, that you'd never replace me, was that a lie?" Druig whispered all hints of sarcasm gone from his tone.

"Like I said, the date didn't work out. I didn't replace you, no matter how much I wanted to get over you I couldn't, but you hurt me. I'm not forgetting or forgiving what you said to me that day, let's save the world first then maybe you'll be more than my ex. Sound good?" Leo asked with a teasing smile.

"Sounds perfect sunshine, I'll make it up to you I promise." Druig said, grabbing Leo's hand that was resting on the armrest. Leo blushed at the action and rolled his eyes, pulled his hand away from Druig and turned to look out the window before he gave into the mind reader's charm.

"Hey lovebirds we're here," Leo turned to look where the voice came from and saw Kingo smirking at them, Leo got up shoulder checking Kingo on his way out of the plane.

After Druig went into the minds of the archeologist in the area surrounding the domo to leave, the Eternals went into the ship. The group agreed to head to the main area where they assumed Makkari would be.

As they got to the area they assumed Makkari would be, they saw the speedster sitting on a throne. Once she noticed the group of Eternals she smiled and signed 'Ready to go home?" all the eternals gave a very pitiful look at Makkari's optimism, she quickly noticed their reactions and quickly changed her demeanor to something akin to sadness.

The lab quickly cleared up enough so Phastos can work his magic and start constructing something to help them save the world. Phastos stood in the middle of the lab while the other Eternals scattered, looking through the collection that Makkari obtained.

Leo had grabbed the Emerald tablet that was laying in a pile of other relics, he flipped it around and laughed at the object he was holding. He had walked to Makkari who was now closer to Phastos, but before he got there he felt the tablet pried out of his hands, he looked up and saw Druig in front of him, a cheeky smile on his face, one Leo wanted to slap off.

"You know I've always liked the look of emeralds on your skin." Druig said waving the tablet in Leo's face, Leo gave a blank stare in return before stepping closer to Druig, slightly looking down on him, "I prefer diamonds, I thought you'd remember that," Leo grabbed the tablet back from Druigs hands before settling next to Makkari.

'I really missed when I didn't have to be around to see the sexual tension between you two," Makkari signed to Leo, Leo blushed and nudged her, before Druig spoke again.

"Phastos, i need to control the mind of a celestial"

"Okay everyone get ready for it," Phastos signed and before their eyes the Eternals were met with what seemed to be bracelets. Druig had come up close to Leo brushing his fingers against Leos, making the fire Eternal hold back a smile.

"So here's a little Celestial 101. Celestials are the most powerful energy generators in the universe. When Arishem made us he imbued us with infinite cosmic energy to keep our bodies regenerating. The bracelets, in theory, shut down our regeneration process, and once that happens our bodies accumulate extra cosmic energy." Phastos explained which honestly was almost too much for Leo to take in.

"What for?" Sersi asked, which Leo was grateful for.

"Well, if the deviants can absorb our energy, what if we can absorb each other's energy as well? If I can find a way to connect us all, one of us can become immensely powerful, pulling the accumulated energy from the rest, forming... a uni-mind." Phastos stated proudly, Leo just grimaced at the names and Druig huffed a laugh. No one said anything as Phastos tried to explain himself, everyone agreeing that the name was terrible, and before the arguing could get out of hand Makkari got Phastos' attention.

'So suppose Druig can, say... put Tiamut to sleep, then what?" She asked.

"We find humans a new home on another planet," Sersi answered.

"Are we building a big ship too? Take a pair of each animal" Sprite said, Leo looked at her unamused.

"No need for the sarcasm Sprite," Leo defended.

"Space colonization could take decades," Sprite argued.

"It can happen quickly with our help," Seris said.

"What if we end up accidentally killing Tiamut? We could be responsible for billions of lives not being created across the universe. Boss, am I right" Kingo said, and quite frankly Leo was getting tired of this "boss" bullshit. Sprite also encouraged Ikaris to say something, which didn't sit right with Leo.

"Ajak chose Sersi to lead us, Sersi should decide." Ikaris said, which shocked Leo, but he couldnt help but agree with Ikaris. Everyone turned to look at Sersi except Sprite.

"Forget who Ajak chose. You're the strongest, you should be making this decision," Sprite said looking at Ikaris. Sprite stormed off and left without a word to the other Eternals. Leo let out a shaky sigh, how were they meant to get through this?, he felt Druig intertwine their pinkies together, effectively calming down Leo just like it used to. When Leo looked over to Druig he gave him a comforting smile, one that he hasn't seen in a long time, and just like that Leo felt like he could save the world. 


look I know I said I would finish this last year but my life went so downhill, but this year I will finish this fic trust me !! also loving the praise Barry has been getting lately im so proud of him. 

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