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THE ETERNALS WERE all gathered around the table eating the meal that Gil prepared for them. Leo missed times like this when they were just a family, it was bittersweet that this only happened under these conditions, and how not every member was present.

"This is just what you guys eat everyday?" Kingo asks, the others at the table praising the food that was spread out in front of them. "Every day." Gil responds standing next to Thena looking proud of his meal.

Leo sat in silence eating his food taking in the discussion around him. Gil was passing around a drink for the older Eternals. "Should she be drinking?" Kingo questioned, staring at Thena, Gil leaned down and whispered to the other Eternal "Her's is non-alcoholic, for kids." He then raised his voice and looked at Sprite "I gave you the same on Sprote." GIl laughed at his own words, the rest of the Eternals giggling softly including Leo who took a sip of the drink.

Sprite looked unamused as Gilgamesh continued to laugh loudly, Gil then pulled himself together. "I'm only joking, yours is a secret brew Odin taught me as a thank-you after we helped defeat Laufey's army in Tonsberg." Gil said all while Sprite used her illusion to make him wear baby clothes causing the whole group at the table to snicker and giggle. As the laughs increased Gilgamesh looked down at his new attire, "I'm a big baby." Sprite took the illusion off as Kingo began talking.

"Speaking of Odin, Thor used to follow me around when he was a little kid. Now he's a famous Avenger and won't return my calls." Leo laughed at that and Kingo glared at him. "Just because the Avengers love you Leo doesn't mean you get to laugh at me." Kingo said and continued "I remember how hot and bothered you got when Loki grew up, and don't get me started on when you saw the Winter soldier." It was now Leo's turn to glare at Kingo, the rest of the Eternals laughed, staring at a now red Leo. "We get it Leo, you have a thing for dark brooding grumpy men." Sprite added on making the other Eternals laugh, Leo looked at Sersi for help but the other Eternal was trying to hold in her laughter and gave the boy a sympathetic smile.

"I can burn all of you to a crisp right now if you keep going." Leo feigned anger, making his eyes light up. This only made the other Eternals laugh louder. The laughter died down and Sprite cut in. "So, now that Captain Rogers and Iron Man are both gone, who do you think is going to lead the Avengers?" the younger questioned looking around the table. "I could lead them." Ikaris responded "I figure I'd be good at that." Leo scoffed. "Yeah you would '' Kingo agreed with Ikaris, making Leo roll his eyes. "Ajak didn't even choose you to lead us." Gil said, placing a hand on Ikaris' shoulder, Leo laughed loudly while everyone winced at the dig. As everyone continued to eat Leo looked around the table again and saw Sersi deep in thought, before getting up.

"You alright Sers?" Leo questioned, this got the attention of the rest of the table. "Where are you going?" Ikaris questioned. "I'm fine, I'm just going to get some air." Sersi responded, the table nodded and moved on, but Leo knew something was wrong, he continued to watch Sersi walk out but ultimately decided to let it go, he knew she would ask for help if she needed it.


After Sersi came back inside informing the Eternals with the news that they have been fed a lie their whole lives the table was silent until Kingo spoke up.

"So, you're saying we're basically fancy robots? And our past memories are stored somewhere in outer space" The information finally seemed to process in the Eternals mind, Leo still couldn't believe it, how could Ajak's lie to him? How could she not tell him the truth?
"And Arishem made the deviants." Sersi added on, Leo scoffed and groaned laying his head on the table, now he really wished he stayed in Paris.

"I'm sorry, Thena.You tried to warn us." Gilgamesh said to Thena. "The last time Arishem reset your memories, something must have gone wrong." Sprite states looking at Thena. Leo picked his head back up and put his attention on Sprite. "What do you mean?" King questioned. "Well that's what Mahd wy'ry is, isn't it? All this time, Thena was remembering all the other planets we were sent to and everyone dying during the emergence." Sprite replied.

"I thought we were heroes. Turns out we're the bad guys" Gil said, voice dripping in guilt. Kingo didn't seem to agree, "we're not the bad guys, okay? We've helped the Celestials expand life across the universe. That's not what bad guys do. That's what good guys do." He tried to defend.

"We've helped the Celestials kill billions of innocent people, that doesn't seem very heroic, there had to have been another way and we just turned into their puppets." Leo butted in, staring at Kingo who put his head down at the response.

"Leo's right. Every time innocent lives have been sacrificed for the greater good, it turns out to be a mistake." Sersi added. "We have to stop the emergence." She said confidently, Leo nodding his head in agreement.

"Sersi, we have no right to stop the birth of a Celestial," Kingo responded. "There has to be a way Tiamut can emerge without destroying the Earth." Sersi defended, Leo agreed. "We just have to delay it until we figure it out." Leo added on looking at Sersi who looked back at him and smiled in thanks.

"Could Druig control its mind? Maybe put it to sleep?" Gil questioned, everyone at the table turned to look at Leo who seemed to ponder the question. "Are you serious?" Sprite questioned in disbelief

"Gilgamesh asked Druig to put me to sleep once." Thena added on, Gil chuckled at the statement. "So I could take a vacation to Fiji, you know?"

"We're talking about a Celestial, okay?" Kingo pointed out. "We have to try. Come on, we're not going to let everyone on Earth die, right?" Sersi pleaded. "You're right Sersi, but we may need something stronger than just Druig, we'll have to talk to Phastos." Leo said, his brain trying to come up with some sort of idea.

"We need to go now, find the others." Ikairs said from the corner of the room where he was standing. "Once we're all together, we'll decide what to do about the emergence."

This really must be the end of the world since Leo actually agrees with Ikaris.


Sorry for the late update, i enjoyed writing this chapter a lot and i thought the loki to bucky to druig pipeline needed to be talked about. also druig and Leo reunion coming up im so excited !!! should be out before the new year :)

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