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I have been married into this family for over a period of ten years and close to a half now.
Just imagine, I signed my whole life away for a man that has a penis, money and dimples, and a huge love for me.
I must admit though that I was still a young man that had just entered into the early years of his adolescent, quickly thrusted into a world of uncertainty and unnecessary drama that never has an end, thanks to him and his dimpled brothers.
And yet after all these years of the drama that I have seen and encountered in the Dlamini KaDikana home, I am still here and I am once again sitting on a mattress, that came from my room and I am about to bury yet another sister-in-law along with a child of this family.

How do we always end up here... I don’t even know and I don't even want to know but whatever it is that always brings this spirt of death, must be something that plans on always opening up old wounds and re-digging into those painful scars that we carry and protect with the love that we shower on these men and their never ending problems and in return, they shower us with love and money, and provide to us our needs without limitations, including protection.
But you see this "particular death"... I hardly see them making a way out, most especially with the one that lost his wife.

I have decided to stand up from the mattress and delegate some tasks and responsibilities to the people that left their houses and families, and came to mourn with us.
Some of these people here, are not even connected to us, whether through blood or marriage but they are here for food and drinks including gossip, after all they will need some info, to give their children and distant family members, on phone... after all we the " Dlamini KaDikanas" are well known.
I am seeing some church women from Lutheran and Zion... including the white garment church that were transported from Limpopo with my mother, MmeMoichela.
She didn’t want to come but she had no choice absolutely, because she had already formed a bond with this woman that decided to let go and say that I GIVE UP. 

These women are singing and praying, whilst some are busy in the kitchen with the cooking, this is the second time that we bury both a wife and a child of this home, and I am telling you that it’s like living the pain double... How do we and them ‘the brothers’ move on or even pick up the pieces that this woman and child have left behind.

I have done this for my father, my brother, my daughter and sister-in-law, including Uncle Daniel, where at his own funeral, my marital family received harsh and brutal treatment from my own family and it became even clear that my family will never see eye to eye with my martial family.

But then again… pain and death seem to know our address, and not even our money or the love that we have for these men, can replace the person that I am about to say goodbye to and it's not just any person but it's someone that I had grown to love and take as an older sister.

I have done my job and that was for me to cry out the pain again and again, a put on a strong face because I need to be strong for them... for everyone.
I can’t afford to slip up... after all I am Hector Dlamini KaDikana.

But honestly speaking, the truth is... I just can not accept the fact that their the reason why she is dead... the Dlamini KaDikana ‘dimpled’ brothers are the reason why my sister-in-law and a child of this home are in the mortuary and in a fridge.

We were not here sometime ago... we were fine, well not that fine, like fine but it was half fine and everything was going half well… like usual and then things took "Short Left" and went o I knew what truly happened almost 20 years ago… I was surprised to know that I only knew the tip of the iceberg and since naturally drama can't stay away from this people.

It became clear that I never knew these dimpled men but rather… I was just surviving in a pending pandemic between them and an "old white family" and some "presumed" dead or undead enemy.
So I wish that I could tell you the story or be a part of it, vocally but I can't because this time, it's not my story...

But it's for them and their past, when they were once young, innocent and mischievous.
But One thing for sure, is that we will meet at the end…

PHAKADE LAMI (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now