
       Waking up from my nap I stretched and then just looked around my room I was given. How did I get here I know that Jake joined the gang a long time ago when our parents died because he was having a hard time raising me with just a job at the coffee shop and he came across Zayn in an ally way and they somehow started talking and then Zayn brought him here and he was brought in and welcomed and since then things got better for us as far as money but I was so young at the time I didn't notice the change that much I just noticed that my brother would be less stressed when it came to bills and that the visits from the state stopped after a bit once they noticed that Jake was able to provide for me and then he got full custody of me and the rest is history. And I know know it was because of this life but still how did one day I go from finishing highschool and getting a job and hanging with my best friend to this getting kidnapped by a gang only to find out that it was because my brother was also in a gang and now I have to be here in this house watched over almost 24/7. It is crazy. 

    Anyway I get up and realize that my nap was about 2 hours making it around 2pm now so I decide to make my way down to the kitchen and get an apple for a snack before lunch and then to one of my get lost and find my way back trips through the house. This has to be one of the biggest houses ever. I have never seen the outside but just from how long the process is taking me and how many new rooms I am finding from each adventure I take it has to be gigantic as I know there are still places I haven't been. Well Lets get to getting lost. I tell myself before starting my walk down a set of stairs I haven't been down yet and through a few doorways. 

      I'm about to enter a room that has the door closed when I hear what sounds like two people talking frustratingly and cursing under their breath. I hesitate before slowly opening the door and looking in. It looks to be a gaming room of some kind and when I look to the right I see a couch with two people sitting on it. I notice that it is Niall and Zayn and they seem to be playing a video game if the figures on the screen moving and the slight nudges and sware words being exchanged by the two of the other cheating are anything to go by. I make a plan to sneak up on them as I don't think they have noticed my presents yet but just as I'm about to take a step to where the couch is Zayn speaks up. 

"Don't even think about it small fry I know your there" I look at the back of his head dumbfounded before huffing and moving to sit next to him.

"how did you know it was me?" I pouted while looking at him playing the game with Niall. But to my surprise Niall answered my question

"First was that the door creaked but then it would be that we could feel your eyes looking at us and then small footsteps smaller than anyone else in the house so we put two and two together and knew it was you" he paused to curse at Zayn again as he saw him make a goal on what I now know is fifa while he was distracted talking to me and then continued 

"also there is the fact that you didn't take into account that our job is to be observant of our saroundings as danger comes from anywhere so know its never good to sneak up on a gang member because if we didn't know it was you we would have probably tried to kill you and believe we would have succeeded." he finished 

"how would you have killed me you don't even appear to have weapons and your distracted with the game? And I'm not small" I asked now cureus for who knows what reason and a bit of a huf at them calling me small. I'm not small

"You are small, small fry and it may look like we are not armed but I garentee we are" Zayn spoke before lifting the front of his shirt a bit to show the top of his gun sitting there in his belt just tucked into the top of his jeans. I swallowed before nodding and then deciding to watch them play for a bit. When I started to get board I took my foot and started to poke Zayn with my toe making him get distracted again and look over to me.

"What's up small fry" he asked making me pout at the name but not commenting on it again

"I'm board" 

"Well what do you want to do?" he asked 

I thought about it for a bit before I remembered how bare my room looked when I was looking at it so I responded with "I want to go shopping for things for my room"  

Zayn raised a brow at me before looking like he was thinking about it. Finally Niall spoke up when Zayn started to nod in a way to say ok. "We have to talk to Boss first and i bet Jake would want to be informed first" This got Zayn thinking as well and then he said "yeah i guess your right Niall" before turning to me 

"Well small fry why don't you stay here and we will go find out if we can take you and be back soon" i grumbled about having to have permission but then agreed wanting to not only get things for my room but also just to get out of the house that I haven't left since getting here.

They both stood up before going to talk to their boss that I assume is the man from the kitchen this morning and my brother and so i decided to pick up the game controller and play their game until they get back. I just hope they agree because I need out of here for a bit.


           Once Jake left it got me thinking did I really call Louis Pet this morning. If I did I didn't mean to and I definitely wouldn't have done it intinchanitly. I mean sure he is a nice looking lad with those curves and bright blue eyes that held so much innocents and those lips the perfect amount of pink and plump but also thin somehow I could only imagine how they would look wrapped around.......Wait no I cant think like this he is a boy and I'm straight. Plus even if I wasn't straight I cant get him into this life of mine anymore than he is now with just having Jake as his brother he is to innocent for this life. 

What am I thinking I need to stop before I get myself into something I would regret.......

(A/N) So this is the next chapter what do we think we get some Lou, Ni, and Zi chatting some Jake and H chatting and some insight to Harry's thoughts on Louis kinda. I cant wait to have the next chapter up as I'm working on it as soon as this is posted so I hope I have another update for y'all tomorrow but don't hold me to that. hahaha As always please leave your vote and comments as I love to hear from you 

All the Love 


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