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       Everyone grabbed a laptop and got comfortable or as comfortable as you could get when you had to track down a kidnapper. I gave each person a location within the hour radius of the tower to look and see if anything came back as suspicious. "We need to look for things like abandoned buildings, warehouses, or houses with big basements" I told them as I was getting ready to start digging again.

"Why houses with big basements? Wouldn't it be pretty dumb for them to take him to their own house?" Zayn asked

"Yes it would be but you have to remember that Drake is not the brightest bulb in the pack so he will go for convenience over practical or smart"

"Oh ok got it" he responded with and then got to work on his assigned area within the hour radius.

It was completely silent as each of us were focused on finding possible locations that they could be keeping Louis.

" I just wanted to say thanks again for helping me find my brother. I'm aware how bad it looks that I have been lying to you all this whole time but I want to let you know it will never happen again. I was just trying to keep him safe and away from all of this but as I know now it didn't work" Jake said quietly from where he was in the corner of the room

"Don't get all sappy on us now Jake just get back to work we don't have a lot of time" Harry snapped from his chair at the desk

We all stifled a laugh and then kept working.

                     Two days later

It has been two days and still nothing. Every time we think we are close to finding him it falls through and then we are back to square one. There are new videos that have started to come every 3 hours and it is always from different IP addresses so it makes it harder to trace where they are from. Each one of the videos is worse than the others. The screams get louder and the sound of pure terror in his voice gets worse with each question they ask him that he doesn't know the answer to.

"Ahha!!!!" Zayn screams from the other side of the room.

" WHAT!!!" Jake said as he jumped up to see what Zayn was looking at.

"I think I found it! I think I found where they are hiding him" he said as we all gathered around to look at his screen.

At first we didn't know what we were looking at. It just looked like a corn field but when he zoomed in you could see what looked like a little hill with a door in it kinda like a underground shelter of some sort.

"Oh my god that has to be it!!!!!!!" Jake yelled as he was scrolling through the area around the small shelter. 

"Ok now that we have a location that seems promising we need to look in to it more and be smart about it. Zayn can you see any numbers anywhere on the door or maybe next to it on the  grass?" Niall asked as he quickly grabbed his laptop. 

Zayn looked around for a bit before he was able to finally get a good look at something that seemed to be painted in white on the ground in front of the door. "yes finally it looks to be a number let me see if i can get it cleared up." we waited for a few more seconds before he stared to read out the four digit number "looks like 4...3...5...7...." we hear Niall typing at a fast speed before he seems to find what he is looking for. 

"YES!!! THATS IT!!! THATS IT I FOUND IT!!!!!!!" he yells as he does a little dance. "If you could finish your dance now that would be great and tell us what the fuck you found" Harry grumbles from his seat. 

"Well Mr. grumpy pants for your information i found the exact location where he is and a blue print of the place so that when we go get him we already know where all of the rooms are and hidden hallways so we can get in and out in a quick and easy way with little to no problem." Niall responds with  a bit of sass 

"also with this i should be able to hack into the cameras they are using to do the videos and find out how many people we are working with so we know how much backup to bring on this little save dumb asses brother job." he adds the the end as a second thought. You can here Jake let out a HEY in protest to being called a dumb ass but he also knows he kind of deserves it and is just hoping to have answers so he can get his brother back. 

"Fine then nerd do your clicking thing and do it so we can get this over with i have other things to be doing." Harry said and then went to walk out the door. Jake got up to follow him looking as angry as a bull but Liam reached out and grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Let him go he is still mad at you and he has a right to be you lied to us and that is a big thing to him because we are supposed to be a family and we are supposed to be able to trust each other and while we get why you wanted to keep him out of it it still feels like you dont trust us to be able to know things like this. he will help just like all of us but dont push okay?" Jake takes a deep breath befor nodding his head and sitting down again. Liam was always the voice of reason when it came to anyone not getting along that was why he was Harrys right hand man. 

Everything stayed quiet as Niall worked and when he had everything figured out we went over it and came up with a plan. lets just hope nothing gets worse before we can get there. 

(A/N) This is the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed it leave a vote and comment love yall 

All the love


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