
      Niall and I made our way out of the game room leaving Louis to himself as we went to talk to Harry and Jake about possibly taking him out to get things for his room. As we made our way to the living room on the second level we found Jake sitting talking with Ben about a run they were about to leave on. I cleared my throat gaining the attention of the two men on the couch. 

"hey sorry I know y'all are about to head out but can I talk to Jake for a quick moment?" I asked. Jake nodded and followed me and Niall out to the hall. 

"what's up guys is something wrong?" 

"No nothing is wrong we just wanted to check with you about taking Louis out to get things for his room he is board and was just wanting to get out and so we told him we would talk to you and Harry and find out if it was ok" Niall responded with

"I guess it should be fine but you have to promise to watch out for him because if he comes back with the smallest scrape you both will get it understood" Jake replied with a stern look on his face 

"of course mate we would never let something happen to him he is one of us now" I responded making Niall nod in agreeance with my words.

"OK then yeah that's fine now I'm going to go back and finish working out the details with Ben on our run see you all later" 

"yeah see you mate" Niall and I said back at the same time before Jake went back in the living area and we made our way to Harry's office. One down one to go.....

As we were walking up the stairs to the third floor Niall started talking about what he thought we could get to spice up Louis room and just from listening to him I could tell he was becoming fond of the smaller lad even after the short time he was here but what could I say I was as well. We finally made it to Harry's office and I knocked on the door waiting for the come in before opening the door.

"Zayn, Niall to what do I owe this visit?" 

"We were just wanting to know if it would be fine for us to take Louis out he wants to get some things for his room?" I spoke up

"And why would you need to ask me I'm not his owner" he said and rolled his eyes at us thinking we had to ask

"Well we just weren't sure if the threats to his life you have failed to tell us about by the way have stopped or if it would be fine" Niall spoke up a bit snappy making me look at him shocked a long with Harry

"How did you know about those I haven't told anyone about them?" Harry asked

"Well I guess you failed to remember the whole reason you brought me here from Ireland is because I am one of the best hackers in the world meaning I can find anything in a matter of minutes or days if its extra hidden and I hate to break it to you but you are not very good at hiding your tracks. So now tell us is it cleared up enough for us to take him out or no because I haven't taken the time today to look in on you" he replied sassaly 

"Well if you must know yes it is safe enough to take him out but I would suggest not leaving him alone for any small amount of time" 

"thanks that's all we needed to know" Niall replayed back before grabbing my arm and almost pulling me out of the office. 

"What the Hell you didn't think it was smart to tell me all this info before I agreed to take him out if they said it was ok" I asked angerly 

"It wasn't my place and also I thought that once we got to Harry he would tell us yes or no and then explain by telling us to keep a close eye on him but when he didn't I decided to do it so sorry but now you know" 

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