first day

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it was a beautifull morning until I heard the sound of my alarm

why do i have to come this early to school? Its bullshit

I cleaned my face, dressed fast and went down stairs to have my morning coffee

This is the only good thing about mornings

Twenty minutes later i was already late for school.
I grabbed my motorcycle and drove as fast as I could, when I got to school i thought

Its just two minutes, its not that bad for the first day, probably no one will notice

"Midnights" i heard a voice in my back. When i turned around i realize it was misses Selena


"What are you doing in the halls when classes already started?"

"Im sorry, i promise it wont happend again"

"I hope so, i forgive you because you are a great student but if Mr Stephen finds you, I don't think he will be so thoughtful, now go to class, run"

"Yes, yes, thanks Selena"

I went away

She loves me, she tries to hide it, but i know im her favourite student, well, maybe 1989 is her favourite, but she doesnt count, all the teachers love her, actaully, most teachers like me too, but
Why am i thinking about this? Oh right, im craving for academic validation like always

Anyways, I arrived to my classroom and sitted next to Lover, she was kinda "too much enrgy" sometimes, but we were great friends

"Hi Mids"
"Hi Lov"

"How was your summer?" She said
"Pretty cool, we went to the beach and i learned how to surf"
"thats great!"
"And yours?"
"well normal" lover smiled a little to hard while saying "normal"
"Just normal?" I started "that smile doesnt say the same"
"Well maybe, MAYBE, i started talking to a girl"
"omg, i knew it, what's her name?"
"Shhhh, lower your voice" Lover looked embarrassed "and we are not together, we are just... talking... by instagram"
"so you're talking with reputation? THE reputation?"

Reputation was a girl in our school, she wasnt bad or something like that, she just, well, had a bad reputation, like, she skipped classes, punched idiots (who deserved it by the way), fighted with proffesors. Actually, she was pretty feminist, but half of school was scared of her, she just talked to like, her two friends, and now, i guess she talked to Lover too

"Yes, im talking with THE reputation"
"And how is she?"
"so hot"
"i meant, her personality"
"Oh, uhm, yes, right" Lover blushed and looked away "she is really fun actually, and she is also very polite"
"polite? who would have thought it"
"I know! but yeah, uhm, i like her a little"
"Just a little? You called her "so hot" without even think twice"
"Maybe i like her more than a little"
"That sounds much accurate"

"Lover and Midnights in the back!" the teacher yelled at us "are you two paying atention?"
"Yes, of course" I replied
"So what was i saying?"
"You were saying, that eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and prokaryotes do not"
"That is actually right"
"I know"

The teacher continued with the class

"I dont knoe how you do that" lover told me
"Do what?"
"I wasnt paying any atetion, i dont know how you were"
"Its because you were thinking about how hot reputation was i and wasn't"
"Oh, shut up"
"Its true!"
She punched me softly in the arm
"just, shut up"


The bell rang
i have physis now, agh, i hate Mr Stephen! and he hates me, idk what did i do to him

you put a bag of nails on his chair so he gets punctured
Well, maybe i did that, but he deserved it

I get to the class and sitted in the last row so he wouldnt notice me so much.
I started drawing some things in my notebook: horses, flowers, a house

"atention students, she is your new classmate" the teacher said

A girl with blonde curly hair was standing in the front of the class

Wow, she is pretty

"Hi" she said shyly "im Debut"

what a soft voice, what a pretty name
what am i thinking? stop

after a few seconds the teacher went back to explaing some weird atoms or idk things and i went back to drawing

"sorry, can i sit with you?"

I looked to the person saying that, it was this girl Debut

"yes, sure" i answered "hi, im Fearless"
"Debut, but i think you already heard it"
"its a pretty name"
"I think its weird"
"I like it"

okay, what is happening to me? since when im this nice to strangers?

"So, you're new in school?"
"oh, no, just in this class, i used to be in another one but I had some problems so I changed classes"
"i never saw you in the halls, nice to meet you"
"nice to meet you too"

We talked for the rest of the class, Debut was so fun, we had a lot of things in common

And she was so pretty
okay, stop thinking that! Yes, its a pretty girl, most of girls are pretty, you dont need to think about it all the time, you are not Reputation.

Maybe i was thinking that because of her, she is passing me her lesbianism.
It was lunch time so i went to the cafeteria


I was walking to the cafeteria but I bumped into someone

"Watch your way!"
"im sorry..." I raised my head "Midinights"
"Oh, 1989"
"how was your first day?"
"probably better than yours"
"And how would you know that?"
"Because im smarter"
"Dont be so sure about that, i won last year"
"Yeah, but it doesnt count, i punched him because i was deffending my honor, we talked about this"
"Punch or not, i won"
"fuck you"
"see you at math darling"
"see you at math nine"

So, me and midnights have a pretty complicated relationship, its like "love hate friends rivals" wich means that even if i want to kiss her every time i see her i hate her

WHAT? NO, KISS MIDNIGHTS? Thats crazy, why did i thought that?
I mean
she is pretty? Yes
she is smart? Clearly
I dreamed about doing it one or multiple times? The posibility exist
But no
Me and midnights?
Thats messed up

I just want to be better than her at school, thats all
I just want to have better grades
For all of you to know, we fight about this since we were ten so, dont worry, we're used to it

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