Broke Me First

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Harmony is brought back to reality by a quiet knock on the door, indicating that she has become lost in her thoughts again. "One moment!" Clearing her face of tears, she heads to the door and calls out before opening it.

Once the door was opened, she would see a teal troll with soft orange hair pop her head in, her manager, and one of her closest friends, Willow. "Hey girl, sorry to bother you, but someone named Floyd is asking to see you. Do you want me to have security escort him out or?" She trails off, noticing the look on Harmony's face at that piece of information.

Harmony takes a deep breath, letting it out through her mouth as she makes her way out the door only to stop to put a hand on Willow's shoulder and squeeze it. "No, I promised we'd talk, and it's only right that I hear what he has to say." She tells Willow. "But when I return, we gotta talk about Evan; he somehow snuck past security again." She groans as Willow rolls her eyes.

"More than likely, he's using his looks again." She'd grumble. "Well, go on then! Don't let me stop you! I just wanted to check in and see if security would be needed." She'd tell her before playfully bumping her hip against Harmony's and walking away.

She could be heard scolding a couple of backstage crew members who were caught wasting time before her voice faded as she turned a corner, more than likely to triple-check that everything would move smoothly for the entire tour planned.

Harmony shuts the door behind her and makes her way to her dressing room, guessing that's where Willow would have led Floyd for their talk. She hesitates outside the door, forcing her heart to calm down before she places a hand on the door and gently pushes it open.

The first thing she sees is Floyd holding up a picture taken when they were both young and the best of friends before they had started dating and years before they fell apart.

"I remember that day," She says, startling him as he turns around to look at her, setting the picture back where he found it on the dresser next to the mirror. "It was the day we finished our first song together." She says, a brief smile forming before it's gone.

"But it's all in the past; nothing we can do but move on from it." She says, refusing to look at him as she knows how easy it is to get lost in his eyes. "What did you want to talk about Floyd? As far as I'm concerned, there wasn't nothing left to discuss after you left me." She tells him with a resentful tone at the end as she defensively crosses her arms.

"Harmony, I am sorry for leaving you. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, and looking back, I wish I had left you more than just a note-"

"What do you mean a note?" She says with a sharp tone in her voice. "There WAS no note, Floyd... No goodbye, no warning, you were just... gone..." she trails off, squeezing her arms closer to herself as if trying to close him off from her.

"But... I did leave a note, Harmony; I left it on your dresser before I left. I didn't want to leave you without explaining why I left." He says, sounding confused enough that it made her turn to look at him.

The scene shifts, switching from the current scene to one from the past as Floyd tells her exactly what had happened....

A frustrated Floyd watched as all his brothers stormed off, going their separate ways after the disastrous performance they just had despite the fantastic start that they had begun with.

He'd turn his gaze to his baby brother, Branch, who was upset over being the one to blame, to which Floyd would quickly reassure him that it wasn't Branch's fault and that it was time for the brothers to find their paths alone.

After ensuring that his brother was properly placated, Floyd would gift him his leaf vest, the garment so big on his baby brother that he was swimming in it before he'd head out, grabbing his guitar and making his way from the room where his baby brother and grandma were currently in.

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