Your Promise

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In one of the many rooms used by the stage crew when they stayed late, Harmony slept, her face peaceful while curling under the comfy blankets until she was rudely awakened by the sun's rays filtering through the window.

She'd groan as she raised a hand to block the light from her eyes and eventually opened them with a frown.

She'd grumble as she forced herself out of bed, her long wavy hair a mess as she looked at herself in the mirror with a resigned sigh, knowing that it would be a pain to tame her hair but that it had to be done. Making her way to the dresser with a brush sitting on it, she'd pick up the brush and tackle her mess of a mane until it was knot-free and gleaming once more.

With that out of the way, she'd get to work braiding her hair while softly humming to herself, her mind wandering to last night and all that had happened.

Seeing Floyd had awoken emotions previously locked away that she never thought she'd feel again. It also brought back memories she had tried hard not to think about. Memories such as when they first met...

Many years ago, back in the troll tree, when the trolls were kept under lock and key by the Bergens, before Floyd and his brothers formed Brozone and before Branch was born, a young Floyd was out exploring the tree by himself, needing space from his older brothers who were constantly butting heads over something and coming to him to solve the issues.

He'd grab an overhead branch, using his hair to help him jump over to the branch opposite him. As soon as he landed, he noticed the sounds of someone crying; curious and a little worried that someone was hurt, he made his way toward the sound until he came across a pretty girl with a unique hairstyle. Unlike most trolls, such as himself, whose hair was up towards the sky pointedly, hers was down and flowing over her shoulders like spun gold.

Floyd couldn't help but notice her hair wasn't the only thing unique about her; her skin was as pale as the moon, unlike the typical bright colors typically seen in trolls. Her eyes were a bright emerald color that was currently shiny with tears, and her face had glittery freckles going from one cheek to another across the bridge of her nose.

He'd clear his throat, catching her attention as she whipped her head over to look at him with wide eyes, only slightly calming when she saw it was not a Bergen before wiping at her face and sniffling. "Sorry if this is your spot; I didn't think anyone came here." She says softly.

"Are you ok?" He'd ask, knowing it wasn't his business, but something in him didn't like seeing her cry despite it being the first time they'd ever met.

"I found out my grandma was one of the ones chosen for the Trollstice day," she says sadly, her head down so her hair hid her face as Floyd took a seat next to her.

"I'm sorry, it's never easy losing someone you love," He says, sitting close to her in a way to offer comfort to someone clearly in pain. "I don't think I've seen you around. I'm Floyd," He tells her, sending her a smile that causes her to blush lightly.

"I'm Harmony. My grandma, after my parents were eaten, had me hidden away in our pod after I was born in hopes that the Bergens wouldn't find out about me and pick me for Trollstice day." She tells him,

"Harmony, that's a beautiful name." He tells her. She smiles at the compliment shyly as she brushes her short, wavy hair away from her face. "Thank you," she bashfully replies.

"If you want, we can be friends," He offers, not wanting to see that smile slip off her face and be replaced by the frown she wore earlier. "I have three older brothers, but having someone else as a friend would be nice." He tells her as Harmony settles closer to him. "That'd be nice I haven't had a friend before." She admits to him as the pair enjoy the temporary peace they are currently experiencing.

"That settles it then, best friends forever," He tells her, reaching down to grab her hand with a smile as Harmony looks at him with somewhat wide eyes before she returns it with her own. "Best friends," she agrees.

The next day, which was Trollstice day and the unfortunate day when trolls who were pre-picked by the Chef, Floyd was there to comfort a distraught Harmony, holding her close as she sobbed into his chest over the loss of her grandmother.

"Don't worry, Harmony, you'll always have me. I promise never to leave you alone." He tells her with conviction as Harmony pulls her head back to look him in the eyes. "Pinky promise?" she asks as she holds out her pinky.

"Pinky promise," He tells her as the two hook their pinkies around each other's, a glow appearing from the conjoined appendages before the two separate their fingers so Harmony can hug him tightly around his middle.

She was relieved to have someone there for her and that no matter what, she would never EVER be lonely again.

(Hello, lovelies! I hope you enjoyed a peak into the past between how Harmony and Floyd first met and why his leaving her had such a big impact on her.  Hopefully, you all enjoyed this chapter, and if you loved it, please leave a comment to let me know what you thought! I hope you all have an amazing day, and remember! You are all loved, strong, and the best of the best!)

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