Lost But Now Found

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                                                                                  24 years later,

A group of pop trolls stands in front of a poster, squealing in excitement and jumping around as they fangirl over the latest news that the famous pop star Golden Canary will be having a concert. Their excitement catches the attention of one Queen Poppy and her boyfriend, who walk over to the poster as Poppy squeals, "Golden Canary! She's the best!" Poppy would cheer as she ripped the poster down to hold it in her hands; she began jumping up and down in pure excitement.

Eventually, her boyfriend, Branch, would chuckle as he settled her down to grab the poster and look at it. "Wait, I know her!" He'd say, shocked as he looked into the same eyes he remembered always looking up into whenever he was upset or needed someone to talk to who wasn't his brothers or grandma.

"Wait, what?! You know her?!" Poppy gasps in shock as she plasters herself to his side, peppering him for details. She had no idea that Branch even knew who the Golden Canary was!

"Yea, she... She was Floyd's girlfriend, who cared for me when my grandma got eaten." He'd say sadly, reminiscing about his childhood with her as his fingers brushed across her face on the poster. Her golden hair was in a high, sleek ponytail, showcasing the white pearl earring resting on her right ear as she smiled sweetly. Before Branch could look anywhere else on the poster, it would be taken from his hands by his brother Spruce, who now preferred to be called Bruce, who looked at the poster with the rest of the brothers looking at it over his shoulder.

"Hey! Golden Canary! My kids love listening to her! Wait.... Isn't this... Harmony!?" He'd say in a shocked tone as he looked at the girl, now a woman, wearing a gold top with white leggings and a golden canary stitched on it. As he looks at the rest of the poster, he sees the time and place of the concert. Eventually, Poppy would steal the poster back to look at it again. "We should all totally go! Not only would we be able to watch her perform, but you guys could catch up!" She chirped as she grinned up at her boyfriend.

"I don't know, Poppy; what if she doesn't want to see any of us?" Branch says with a contemplative frown as he turns to his brother Floyd, who looks sadly at the poster he had taken from Poppy. "Oh, come on, guys! I'm sure she'd love to see you! Besides, when will you get another chance to see her?" She says she had already begun planning everything they'd need for the concert while her boyfriend and his brothers seemed to be thinking it through.

"We should go," Floyd finally says, a determined look in his eyes as his amethyst eyes stay transfixed on the emerald green that stared back at him unblinkingly from the poster. "I owe her that much," He tells his brothers as confidently as possible. With that, they all begin preparing their plans for the concert as excitement feels each of their hearts, but not as much as Floyd's as his hand moves from where it had been placed on her face to gently touch the black earring he had been gifted from her many years ago and then to the white mate that sat on her ear.  

(Hello, my lovelies! This chapter is shorter, but I didn't want to drag it on with needless filler. I   also want to thank everyone for their amazing support thus far! This includes but is not limited to my amazing beta, my best friends for giving me feedback and ideas, and MadKat on ao3 for her stellar advice or suggestions. This story has gone places I never expected and means the world to me. The picture provided is how I envisioned Harmony as Golden Canary in terms of hairstyle and the earring, although the earring is in her right ear, not her left. As always, you are all loved, amazing, and super strong! I hope to catch you guys in the next chapter!)

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