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When we arrived at the airport i was checking my luggage if i nothing forgot. Ju you have go through your luggage for the fourt time now i think you got everything. I just have a feeling i forgot something.

Are you ladies ready Pierre asked. Yes Kika said. When we got on the jet i said to myslef let's go for another chapter in my life.

The flight was very long i slept a lot and read. When we stept from the plane you could smell flowers i was happy to be back here i haven't been here since 2 years ago.

The car drive was not long i just look at all the rich people who are walking here one has a chanel bag in black that i wanted to i'm saving for it. Here we are Pierre said i step out of the car the building was beatiful. Wow. Yeah beautiful isn't it. Thank you so much again that i can stay here. Ju it's litterally no problem. The apartment was on the 6 floor not to high and not to low

Kika gave me an tour around the appartement it was nicer than mine back in london. It's so nice. Yeah you know i have good style. Yeah we have the same style. Good i'm gonna go now but tommorow we're going shopping and i'm gonna pick you up at 10. Okay bye kiks. Byeeeee.


I unpacked everything and clean a littel bit i think i'm gonna go for a walk and eat something at a cafe. I picked an outfit and posted it on insta

 I picked an outfit and posted it on insta

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Julia.harrisonnn: going on a walk in ùy favorite city
Liked by Francisca.gomess and 200,000 other people

Francisca: 😍😍
   Julia: ❤️❤️
Carlaaaa: go girlllllll
     Julia:  🩵


I  walked with my airpods around the streets in Monaco. I was almost at the cafe as i saw a pair of green eyes Charles Leclerc and ofcourse with Jessica on his arm He looked at me and stares in my eyes i remeber his hands on my hips in the bar it gave me chills  and then Jessica looked at me but it was a mad look. Okay she lived in Monaco with him but that doesn't say i can not live here. I stop looking en walked in the cafe.

Charles POV

I  was walking with Jessica to my mother until is saw a girl walking at the other side of the streets when i looked up in her eyes i saw it was Ju is stare in her eyes. What's going on Jessica asked until she looked up and saw her. Come we don't want to be late at you're mothers party.

When we arrived i can't stop thinking  about Julia but i need to stop i have Jessica. What are you thinking  about? Arthur, can you not give me a heart attack thank you. O i'm sorry but i'm serious what are you thinking about. Just i can get her off my head. Ju? Yeah how do you know that? I heard that she's back. Yeah i saw her today with Jessica she was really mad when i stare at her. I understand her you need to focus on her she's your girlfriend Charles. Yeah i know that i just have to talk to ju so that i can move on. Text her than but not now let's go to the table or they get suspicious.

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