All I have Left

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"Luka why are we running I know the window thing and the voice were weird but what the hell?" Madi screams as Luka pulls her with him towards his house.

"Look I did something stupid again and we need to get my Mom, your Brother, and my Sister and hide for atleast a year!" Luka says his step not faultering as they continue.

As the pair finally turn on Luka's street and get up to the door- *BANG* the noise was to be expected especially after the whole world had essentially gotten super powers right? Luka stepped onto his porch and opens his door revealing his mom franticly calling his number, turning sharply at the sound of the door opening, "Oh Luka, thank God you are alright! Did yo-" "Yeah Mum, we heard and saw most of the same things you did. We need to leave though. I promise I will explain to you both after we get on the road." Luka cuts his mom off already speed walking towards the stairs.

"What do you mean both of us!" Luka's mother calls out after the boy, that is until she hears the door click shut.

"Um hi Mrs. Hura, my name is Madi I am the friend that Luka meets for lunch every week, it is nice to meet you . . . I think you should get a bag around . . . Luka said something anout getting me, my brother, Ara, and you and being on the road for a year on the way here, besides that I am as confused as you are." Madi piped up after turning from the door she had just locked.

"Well it is nice to meet you Madi, I have heard a lot of good things about you. I will play along but Luka better explain once we get on the road or else." Luka's Mom says while Madi blushes a bit after hearing how much Luka talks about her.

After less than five minutes Luka comes down the stairs two at a time and walking towards Madi he asks, "Is she ready yet?"

"Yes Luka I packed quickly. Now to the car and Madi please put your address in the GPS." his Mother answers her suitcase rolling behind her before Madi could even open her mouth.

"Sure." Madi says turning to open the door before a warm brown hand pulls her forearm away from the door.

"Let me make sure the coast is clear first please you two." Luka says in a tone that suggests he isn't letting either of the two girls go first anyways.

Luka steps infront of Madi and gently unlocks and opens the door, looking out to see anything out of place that could be going on. Seeing nothing odd he waves the others forward opening the door of his Mom's 2014 Yukon and climbs in nit bothering with a seatbelt since he is in the back. After Luka's Mom gets in and starts rhe vehicle Madi sets her GPS and sits by Luka in the back. "So what is this about Luka? I know the world is changing but why do we have to all get together and run?" Madi asks what is on both her and Mrs. Hura's minds.

"I asked that voice to leave me powerless and put me through whatever he wants for a year and give me something that will give me a power equal to the struggle I go through. He told me good luck and to start running." Luka days cautiously knowing how two of his three closest people would probably react.

"Luka what were you thinking! You are gonna be in stupid amounts of danger now! What the fuck!" Madi bursts out as Luka's Mum decides it was better punishment to deal with a girl he liked than her.

"Madi I know. . . . . But if I survive this . . . Nobody will be able to hurt us any of us . . . Your brother, you, Mom, my sister! I have to take the risk. . ." Luka murmurs barely audible.


A building falls and the trio finally sees the cause of the sound they heard ten minutes prior, and they see people all around testing out their powers, some punched walls and left a web of cracks, others had small amounts of elements swirlimg around different parta of their bodies, a few were crying, and almost all were far beyond what a old world human could do. "What powers did you get anyways guys?" Luka asks amused by a woman who had accidently just human tasered her husband, making his overtly strong body slump over passed out.

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