Wanna Go To The Dance?

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*BEEP BEEP BEEEP* "Ugh shut the absolute hell up!"

*SLAM* a lightskinned arm the color of milky-cocoa crushes the poor off button on the alarm, "Stupid alarm." mutters the boy covered in sheets in bed who had most likely just broken his alarm.

"Luka you better be up if you wanna be on time fot lunch with your friend" a gentle voice calls and causes the boy jolts from under his dark grey sheets.

As the dark sheets slide off of the boy, his umber curls stick out around his head and his hazelnut eyes are wide awake. 'I have to ask her today. No, I get to ask Madi!' A smile dawns his lips as he stretches his slightly toned body shuttering at the movement. Opening his closet he finds a nice Dean Ray Tee-Shirt that he likes and from his dresser he grabs a pair of cargo pants and tightens the drawstrings slightly. Looking in the mirror he grabs his B*tch Please cologne and puts a spray on the nape of his neck before checking his phone seeing it was still only at 12 percent. "Damn still need a new charger!" 'I'll just have to make due and buy one after lunch with Madi.' he looks at the time at about loses it, 'IF I EVEN MAKE IT TO LUNCH!'

*Rushing out his bedroom door he grabs the pocket knife his older sister bought him when he was 15 and she was going away to college, and takes the steps down two at a time.* "Bye love you Mom!" "Remember be polite, don't let her pay, no matter if she says yes or no, and be safe!" his mom a woman with beautiful green eyes and a dark complexion, and hair the color of the darkest hickory tree says smiling at seeing Luka this happy the first time since his father disappeared without a trace last year.

Luka runs down the street zig-zagging through people, jumping over fire hydrants, and just as he makes it to Tini Gin Bar & Eatery, with a drop of sweat hanging from his large loops of hair, he accidently runs into a girl a bit shorter than him. A tan girl with dark brown hair and blonde highlights. A girl with captivating yellow brown eyes. 'Madi!'

"Running late again are we Luka?" Madi asks laughing in her melodic voice, the slight rasp of her accent intriguing Luka.

"Hey, it's the first day without school to worry about in 2 months and we have six weeks off, cut me some slack." Luka jokes defensively "Plus I still made it here on time so technically not running late."

Madi rolls her eyes, whatever you dag, you gonna open the door for me or not? Madi says but despite her actions her intoxicating sweet grin caused Luka to grin back saying, "Why of course Mi'Lady."

*Luka opens the door alloeing Madi to enter and then follows her in, when they are brought to their seats Luka whispers to the waiter* "Here is $50, the change is our tip, I am paying before so she can't pay." The waiter nods at the boys request having been doing this every wensday for nearly a year now.

"So how is your day going?" Luka asks the stunning girl infront of him setting his phone on the table as a sign of respect just as Madi had done. "Not too bad, I woke up, ate breakfast, went for a run, showered, and walked here to have lunch with you. Should I ask or did you just sleep and then parkour your way through crowds here?" she narrows her eyes knowingly, she saw this coming after all, she has been close friends with him since his sister left for college and she approached him while everyone else laughed at him, but it was still annoying every. Damn. Time.

". . . You don't have to put it that way . . . So harsh I still made it on time." Luka says as the waiter sets their drinks down.

"Thanks!" Madi says to the waiter, kindly before looking back at Luka noticing the contemplative look on his face saying, "What's got your face so scrunched your not usually so deep in thought." with a pause, Madi adds, "And quiet, your acting like a tog whose bach just burnt to the ground."

"Oh nothing, just thinking, I have someone I am supposed to ask to the End of The Year Ball, but I dunno what she is gonna say, and I have to go shopping for a suit after this." Luka replies still seeming caught up in his thoughts. "Wow, why haven't I heard about this girl? After all we both know I am your best shot at ever understanding girls, and I know dummy you asked me to help you pick out a monkey suit for your Monkey-Brain remember?"

"Yeah yeah, I remember but I don't remember saying I have a monkey brain though you brat! Plus I haven't told you cause I wanna try this on my own, I can't rely on everyone else forever you know." Luka replies his trance wearing off.

Casual conversation and banter continues over roasted Snags. *When Madi sees Luka begining to be distracted again she grabs a few of his dark locks in her nimble fingers and tugs to retrieve her younger friends attention* she is rewarded with a sharp "Augh!" from Luka. What he said next surprised her as instead of the "What the bloody hell Madi?" she figured she would recieve instead he looks up and asks "You wanna go to the Dance with me?" Luka tentatively asks.

'No way it was so damn obvious. Can't miss the chance to mess with him though . . .' Madi thinks plotting. "Ay?" she says pretending she couldn't hear him. "Would you wanna go to The End of The Year Dance with me?" He repeats louder this time.

"What makes you think I would wanna go with someone a grade below me and a year younger at that?" Madi smirks at Luka as he mumbles "I knew you probably didn't, I just wanted to tr-" "I am joking you dull bloke! I would go to the dance with you but I don't have a dress and it is in two days!" Madi cuts him off explaining the situation.

"Then we can get you a dress when we go get me a tux! Before you say that works and we have to grab yoir wallet cause you didn't bring enough for a dress, I will pay." Luka says matter a factly ruining any of her hopes of Madi's to buy her own stuff and sighs knowing he won't give in. If Luka is nithing else, he is silver tounged and stubborn.

"Fine we better get going then." Madi's slight rasp making Luka smile as he stands up and walks towards the door and walks out the door Madi following irritated 'he paid before again' she thinks.

"So where are we going to get the outfits?" Madi asks reluctantly knowing he will take her somewhere expensive to get her dress. "We are go-" Suddenly a voice rings out all across the world in every tounge and dialect, in every person young and olds head stating, "Earth, welcome to the system, I am Aldric and your world is experiencing awakening. You will be allowed to select a class, you will fimd out what happens afterwords. I am excited to see if you survive or fall. Good-bye."

Luka doesn't finish his sentance instead he looks at Madi and says "Was that just me or-" "No, I heard it to." she says not bothering to let him finish his question.

A window appears in front of them both reads: "Give a description of what you wish to be able to do." Instantly Madi says "Make me adaptable to anything I can." *DING* the window sounds before updating its text: "ABILITY: One With Water at low levels one can turn something as small as their palm into water. Level up to see more."

Luka was in deep thought, 'This is just like books I've read I need to be smart about this . . . I need someone bigger than what is about to happen to notice me. Luka finally speaks almost a full minute after Madi saying "Aldric! Make me suffer for a year, make me bleed, scar me, rip me to peices. But when I survive . . . Give me what you believe I have earned."

Then a thought appears in Luka's head that is not his own, 'Run boy because it is not when you survive it is when, remember as you count the days you asked for this, but I with you the best.' instinctively after hearing run, Luka grabs Madi's hand and makes for his home as quick as possible as the world wide bounty board gets its first contract . . .


REWARDS: Immediately gain 25 levels, one A+teir item.

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