Chapter 4- Run Run Run

Start from the beginning

The first one up was 300 meters. It turned out to be a devestating race. Hugh was second, but he collapsed on the floor the moment he came out. He was dripping with sweat, and thirstier than the Sahara desert. He was not fit at all for any other races.

Yale came along, "You okay?" he asked. Hugh just made weird groaning noises in response. Yale laughed at his friend.

"Do you think you'll be able to take anymore races?" Yale asked. This was followed by another weird groaning noise on Hugh's part. Yale sat beside him, took a bottle cap of water from his bottle and poured it on his back. It was as if Hugh had been in fire before, and was finally exposed to coldness. Yale laughed at his friend.

"Do you want me to take up your other races and field events?" Yale asked.

"You can't do that! You have so many under your belt already!" Hugh shot up. No. He couldn't do that to Yale.

"It's fine," Yale brushed it off.

"But that would be 500 meters of you running! And all the jumps!" 

"So? No offense, but your bad at all of them. The only thing you have is stamina," Yale leaned against the grass. Hugh tried arguing, saying no repeatedly, but Yale did not budge, and in the end, Yale won, like he always had. 

Five minutes in, Yale broke his nose. No one really knows how this man managed to break his nose while running when he didn't even fall, but he did. Probably from crashing into the walls so much. Hugh had to take him to the nurse. He complained the whole way there, on and on about how he just needed a rest, and he could've managed, and this was not healthy for Yale regardless. Yale just shrugged them all of, instead chuckling a bit. Whenever asked why, he would just reply that Hugh looked cute when he was made. This drove Hugh over the edge, which in turn got him to blush and start arguing even more. 

When they finally reached the nurse's office, the nurse wasn't there. Yale sat on one of the beds and Hugh found tissues on the nurse's table. He brought the tissues to Yale and put a bundle up to his nose to soak up the blood. Yale licked his lips, whether to lick the blood away or spite Hugh by appearing like he was interested was the answer Hugh would never know. Yale suddenly grabbed his hand, bringing his lips to it and then taking the tissue from him. Hugh blushed.

"What are you doing?"

"You should go and play... you're not the one injured," Yale sighed.

"No... it's fine... I'll take care of you," Hugh reached out to take the tissue from Yale. However, Yale's hands were longer, so he was easily able to keep it out of Hugh's reach. 

"Tell me... did you actually mean it... what you wrote on that card," Yale said in less than a whisper.

"Where on earth did that come from?" Hugh sighed, still trying to take the tissue back. Suddenly, Yale grabbed both of Hugh's hand, his grasp was strong and Hugh couldn't break out.

"Tell me," Yale demanded.

"It was a joke," Hugh lied, still avoiding Yale's gaze and trying to get the tissue. When Yale heard it, he sighed, giving him back the tissue.

"Go back to the sport's area, Hugh, I'll call my dad and tell him to pick me up," and so they went seperate ways, Yale to home, and Hugh back to sports day, upset, confused and restless.

Why had Yale sighed?

The rest of the day was chaos. 

Hanaya and Braxley, AKA Miss Anger Issues and Mr I Do Not Know Force, managed to hit the ping pong ball so hard that it ended up breaking one of the windows. They were banned from the rest of the day's activities. Of course, where Braxley went, Dayd followed, and so him, Dayd, and Hanaya stood in the corner the whole time. Hanaya wished he had never even been there. The two... were definately something else.

At one point, both Braxley and Dayd went to the bathrooms. They did not come out until about half and hour had passed. 

But the thing that defined them as people you wanted to avoid the most, was before the ping pong incident, where they had been playing football... and Dayd and Braxley were seen, staring into each other's soul, looking at each other as though they would like nothing else but to absolutely fuck the other person to death. Omamia had to bleach her eyes after that.  So when it was asked who would check the bathrooms to get them out, nobody dared volunteer.

The other couple that had managed to disgust everyone was Dorian and Normina. Dorian, who followed Normina like a lost duckling, providing her with water and buying her snacks whenever she felt a bit parched, even running hundreds of meters, just to hand Normina her pen. Dorian was insane. Both Aisha and Omamia felt like smacking Dorian in the head, but none of them had the heart to do it, instead laughing at her friend being an absolute SIMP.

The day ended on a positive note for everyone... everyone except for Hugh, who was still wondering what his friend had meant... and what was in store for their friendship.


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