Zhao Shi's hot fingers slid down on her waist, and her action eagerly pulled off the obstructing belt on her body, and easily pushed up the hem of her skirt.

Mingzhus head hit the pillow, but it didnt hurt. She recovered from her confusion, and was approached by a hot breath. She raised her eyes and slammed into a pair of cold eyes. These eyes were slightly red, confused and infatuated. Struggling again.

Mingzhu was clenched by his wrist and couldn't move her. The clothes on her chest were a little messy. She knew that Zhao Shi might not be sober now. She said, "Get up first."

Zhao Zhi frowned deeply, as if tolerated to the extreme, his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat: "I can't get up."

The heat is hard to eliminate.

The mans dark pupils stared straight at her face, even at the moment his consciousness forced by the violent medicinal force was not clear, the surface was still meticulous and solemn, the calm eye nerves passed through her eyebrows and slowly moved to her lips. His eyes looked straight at her moist and red lips, and the Adam's apple rolled up and down twice. He held her back of the head with his palm, lowered his head and bit her rosy cherry lips.

Breath blends, lips and teeth meet. The long lingering kiss was out of control.

Mingzhu's cheeks were slightly sullen, her eyes closed halfway, and she was dizzy by her relatives. A pair of slender hands were gently placed on his chest, tightly gripping the placket of his chest.

A few buttons on her coat fell off unknowingly, her head was covered with fine sweat and a few strands of hair soaked through it, she was a little bit overwhelmed by Zhao Shi.

But when the man kissed him enough, she let go of her finger, and beads of sweat slipped from his forehead along the contours of his cheeks, and his jaw stretched into a cold line. His breath was a little panting, and he said, "Zhuzhu, help me call An imperial doctor."

Mingzhu suddenly recovered and put on her clothes quickly. When she got out of bed, she found that her hair was in a mess. She didn't know where the hairpin on her hair had fallen, and her face had some unusual crimson. , She nodded in a panic and said okay.

The imperial physician was mentioned to the princes bedroom in the latter half of the night. After the pulse was diagnosed, his complexion was not very good, and he was very worried, as if he had encountered a big problem.

Zhao Shifangs clothes were soaked in sweat, and he changed into clean bedding. He asked, "Is there an antidote?"

The imperial physician was very ugly to see His Royal Highness, he hesitated for a long time, and finally had to tell the truth: "His Royal Highness, this medicine came from the Western Regions. There is really no other solution except..."

Except what?

Except for **** between men and women.

This medicine is said to be poisonous and not poisonous, nor does it cause great harm to the human body. It only takes a few good times to spend it safely. This is not a poison/drug in the Western Regions.

Zhao Shi waved his hand: "I see, you can go back."

The imperial doctor bent over: "His Royal Highness, take care of your body."

The waiter on the side heard his brows pounding.

His Royal Highness was very knowledgeable, and he should know what kind of medicine it was after he found out that he had taken the medicine. He specially let the imperial doctor go through this experience. Naturally, there were other considerations in what he said.

After Being Kidnapped by the Crown PrinceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant