When Mingzhu saw him, she naturally had no good face. She lowered her eyelashes with a cold expression, but didn't look at him. She struggled away from his palm with her wrist. She had a delicate skin that could be broken by blowing. With a little effort, there were two conspicuous red marks of fingerprints on her white as snowy wrist.

Zhao Shi's hand was too hard just now, and the knuckles were faintly white. He endured it, curled up his thumb, but didn't touch her again.

He looked at her and asked coldly: "Don't you be happy to see people? Why are you crying?"

Mingzhu was angry and angry. She didn't know how much he had seen the situation just now. She held her finger and said, "If I want to cry, I will cry."

Zhao Shi didn't like her crying for others, her eyes were red, and a pitiful sob was like poking him in his heart. He felt tight in his chest and short of breath. It was very uncomfortable.

She cried most of the time without a sound. The pear blossoms are rainy, fragile and pitiful.

Zhao Shi coldly looked at her red eyes, circled her harsh words, and never said anything.

When the spring day was shining, Zhao Shi smelled the faint fragrance of apricot blossoms on her body and asked, "I really like him so much?"

When these words were said, Zhao Shi felt a little regretful. He shouldn't ask, because the left and right would not hear what he wanted to hear from her.

She couldn't hide things either. She told him with red eyes yesterday that she wanted to marry Wei Chiyu as his wife, which didn't seem like a lie under her breath.

In two years, if something really happened between them, he would not have time to stop it.

Zhao Shi squeezed his fingers, raised his eyes, and said one step ahead of her, "Get on the carriage."

Mingzhu didn't listen to him at all, and refused without even thinking about it.

Zhao Zhi pursed her lips, and silently led her into the carriage.

Mingzhu would rather blow the wind outside the window than look at him.

Zhao Shi sat down and poured himself a cup of tea, "Wei Chiyu took a great deal of time, and all the human and material evidence were asked to destroy him. If you cry for him because you are worried about him, you will be wasting your tears in vain."

Mingzhu said: "As an official, I don't have any means to lose my footing."

Zhao Shi lifted the lid of the cup and took two sips of bitter tea. The corners of his lips curled slightly. He smiled somewhat mockingly, "You will excuse him."

Mingzhu lowered her face slightly and did not speak.

After a while, the carriage stopped at the entrance of the alley.

Mingzhu jumped out of the car with the hem of her skirt, running too fast and almost fell. Zhao Shi gave a hand behind her, and she didn't appreciate it.

A new sprout branch stretched out from the yard, with a few touches of color on the verdant branches.

Zhao Shi followed her into the house, but Mingzhu couldn't drive him away, so she treated him as air and ignored him.

Xiaoman hadn't seen her mother since she got up in the morning, she was about to have trouble long ago, Hongling didn't coax her with two candies, she was exhausted, and she had never seen such a clingy child!

Is it possible that Mingzhu was so clingy when he was young? She really didn't see it.

There were two fluffy and cute little jugglings on Xiao Man's head, with red lips and white teeth, beautiful features, and crying with red eyes. The little girl buried herself in the pillow, aggrieved.

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