However, as the woman was about to commence her plan, Lan LingShu immediately turned toward her and with that, her lip was sealed shut.

'Oh what in the actual fu-'

"It went well, fortunately," Lan XiChen replied. "Are you heading off to visit A-Yao again?"

Lan ChunTao nodded. "LianFang-Jun asked me to come to Koi Tower to discuss about the next Discussion Conference that will be happening there."

'LianFang-Jun?...oh, that must be Jin GuangYao' Wei WuHui sat on her donkey's back, her arms crossed as she sulked after her plan was ruined.

"Also, Shufu and Dada has taken and examined what you've brought back from Mo Village." Lan ChunTao added.

At the mention of the said location, Wei WuHui began to paid attention while fortunately, the spell on her mouth was promptly released.

"A-Mei, you mustn't treat the guest like that. It is rare to see Xiongzhang bringing new faces into Cloud Recesses." Lan ChunTao chided as she chuckled softly at the young female Lan.

Said Lan making a small pout as she turned her face away slightly after getting caught by her aunt.

And with that, Lan ChunTao made her departure, along with a few other Lan disciples.

Then, not even a second had past, Wei WuHui took the opportunity to finally make her escape as she effortlessly lifted Mo XuanYu up and threw him onto their donkey, causing the latter to squawk out of surprise, before following afterward as she hopped on. "Come on Little Apple!"

However, the donkey resisted a bit before running in the opposite direction. "Huh?! Where are you going? No, not this way! Stop! Stop right now!" Wei WuHui exclaimed before she looked up ahead and noticed that in Lan XiChen's hand was a shiny red apple as the said man held the juicy fruit up with an amused smile.



"Ah...right." Wei WuHui grimaced after remembering what happened earlier then her embarrassment increases when she realised that she eventually passed out along the way after exhausting the rest of her energy.

'Anyway! Considering the circumstances that I am in Cloud Recesses now, I might as well take advantage of it while I still can' Wei WuHui got up from the bed as she began to snooped around more.

"Eh? What's this?" Wei WuHui tilted her head in curiosity after opening one of the drawers as she found some interesting stuff inside.

A bunch of hand-crafted Dizi, all made from bamboo.

A collection of different beautiful hairpins.

A unnamed book.

And lastly, a neatly folded white and red robes.

Wei WuHui blinked as she grabbed the clothes out first, unfolding to see it further as she observed it. "Wow, this looks so cute! I have to try it on!"

And that is what she went to do as Wei WuHui went behind the screen divider.

A moment later, the woman stepped out and looked down at herself, finding that the clothing was a two-piece robes that exposed some of her cleavage and midriff as red spider lilies were decorated on the clothing that complemented with the white fabric.

"Not too bad, kinda surprising to find this in a Lan's drawer. Who knows that Lans can be this adventurous." Wei WuHui giggled as she twirled around, her skirt swaying along the motion.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 (𝐌𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐎 𝐙𝐔 𝐒𝐇𝐈 墨香铜臭)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz