INFP vs ENFP (Part 1, who is more imaginative?)

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Further continuing my "series" of how to tell personality types apart from ENFP (usually the ones we get confused with), I am now doing INFP since I believe this is the most common mistype for ENFPs. 

The thing that inspired me was a meme that I disagreed with and my favoritism bias about my own type did not take well to it (although my type isn't my favorite type, I love all the types for different reasons but if I'm truly being honest with myself, INFJs and ISFJs are my favorite types). 

I'm not going to show a picture of this meme since I'm too lazy to find it and I'm taking a break from Pinterest since I can't seem to exist on any platform on the internet without diving into one of the many problems with the world and stressing myself out about it due to a lack of self control...anyways...

The meme said something like INFPs are more imaginative than ENFPs and are better at creating an inner world, but that ENFPs are better at socializing...neither are true. 

I'm an ENFP who is a maladaptive day dreamer and I have had may paracosms (detailed imaginary worlds that exist since childhood). I have many, probably hundreds of original characters, and have come up with at least 50 detailed story ideas throughout my life. There are probably many people who are more creative than myself, but compared to the average person I am very creative. That is not a judgement or me trying to be prideful. It isn't even a skill for me (although it is something that can be improved on), and maybe for other people it is, but for me it is a part of daily life, creating ideas is how I live. You have been exposed to only a fraction of my creative power on Wattpad or my YouTube channel, since 99% of it is never actualized. 

INFPs are a very creative type as well since they use Ne as their auxiliary function. It is also incredibly common for them to "live in their own world" and pursue the arts, have many dreams, are maladaptive daydreamers, etc. So why would I say ENFPs are more imaginative?

The reason is a simple one. ENFPs are intuitive dominant types, and they use extroverted intuition as their dominant cognitive function. INFPs are good at using extroverted intuition but are not better than ENFPs or ENTPs since their dominant function is Introverted feeling. INFPs also have introverted sensing as their third function which means they are not completely out of touch with their bodies or practicality. Introverted sensing is an ENFP's last function, which means we do greatly struggle with practicality or sensory tasks. 

If you are an INFP reading this and you feel offended at the fact that I said my type is more imaginative and creative than yours, keep reading. INFPs definitely have advantages to ENFPs and one is the fact that Introverted Feeling is their dominant function. INFPs whole goal is to understand their identity and their ethics. They know who they are. ENFPs have to sort through a million different ideas before they are certain, but INFPs are certain, then they look at other ideas. Also, INFPs are very creative anyway, and they are better at expressing and conveying emotion than ENFPs because that is what they live for. 

When it comes to ENFPs being better at socializing, that is not true because INFPs, being introverts are less likely to interrupt and "be annoying" which means they may be more pleasant companions than ENFPs. One being an extrovert does not mean they have an aptitude in social adeptness. INFPs, because Introverted feeling is their dominant function, are also probably more likely than ENFPs to understand the individual emotions of others and can more equally empathize with others (although ENFPs can be good at this as well, especially with practice). 

In general, these types use all the same functions and are very similar. So one even being "better" at one talent is not by much.  

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