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Emily POV

Aaron suprised me this morning with some morning sex. And usually I tell him no because we have work, but Fuck it. He got on top of me, kissing my neck. I put my legs around his waist while he entered me and went in harder and deeper. I moaned his name, he put his hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming. So the kids wouldn't hear us. I started biting his finger. When we finished I kissed his lips. He got close to me, we were about to kiss again when I hear crying.

"Looks like our baby is up." I go to Jayne's room, and grab her. "Hey, why are you crying huh. You shouldn't be crying. Come on let's go eat with Dada." She smiles and laughs.

When I go downstairs the boys are already with Aaron. I give them each a kiss. Aaron's phone rings and his smile goes to a frown.

"Do we have a case?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll see you in the office. Love you."

"Love you to."

Aaron POV

I walked into the BAU, with Garcia waiting for me with the case file in her hand.

"Sir, here is the case. And Detective Rush is waiting for you in your office."

"Thank you Garcia. Start calling the team."

"Yes sir."

I went up to my office and shook hands with the Detective in my office. "Welcome to the BAU, I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner."

"Hello, I'm Detective Rush. Johnathan Rush."

Emily POV

I met up with Morgan in the elevator and went to my desk.

"Guys, we have a case. Hotch wants us to meet in the bullpen ASAP." Said Garcia.

"Ok, well be right there baby." Answered Morgan winking at Penelope.

"Come on you two get a room." Said JJ. She was walking in holding hands with Reid.

"Please, you two should be talking. All that kissing in the kitchenette, very very unprofessional." Said Morgan wagging his finger at them.

Blake and I started laughing. JJ looked at me with a little hope, I smiled at her, telling her we were good. She smiled back. I couldn't stay mad at JJ, I understood why she got mad. She was ashamed of what had happened to her, and didn't want people knowing about it. So when I kept pushing at her she freaked.

We all got up to go to the bullpen together, Rossi was already there with Aaron. "Everyone have a seat." He said.

"What's the case about?" Asked Reid.

"Well, we have been called in by the homicide unit in New York. They have been chasing a ghost serial killer for the past 10 years."

"10 years? Why are we barely being called now?" Asked Morgan.

"Because they didn't know they had a serial, until a detective pieced the murders together. He has killed men and women, tortured, burned, and murdered. All in the span of 3 days."

"So what made it so impossible to piece these murdered together?" Asked Blake.

"Because my lovelies, he'd dissappear for weeks, months, even years at a time. So it was hard to even consider a serial." Answered Garcia.

"And because of the difficulty that it took to prove this was a serial, the Detective who put these murders together came all the way down here to explain the case to me and get us to help him find this unsub before he disappears again. He's in my office. I will go get him now." Said Aaron.

"Ok, before this guy comes in here, ladies prepare yourselves. Because oh my lord, he is hot. Very handsome." Said Garcia.

"Hey!" Exclaimed Morgan

"Oh don't worry my love, no one can replace you. Oh there he is."

"Agents, this is Detective Johnathan Rush." Said Aaron.

Just like that my heart stopped. I couldn't breathe. No this can't be happening. No no no no no, please let this be a dream. This can't be right. I'm pretty sure my skin turned white because JJ asked me if I was ok. I looked up to see Rush, he still looked handsome and good looking. He always has. His perfect jaw line, his muscles. Perfect tan, beautiful eyes. He looked back at me smiling. He winked at me, God I hope no one noticed. Why is he doing this to me?

"Wheels up in 30. Detective Rush, I will have one of my agents guide you to the jet?" Said Aaron

"Wait, you guys have your own jet?" Asked Rush, he still looked so cute.

"Yes, Emily."

"Hmmm?" I looked up again.

"Can you guide detective Rush to the jet in time?"

"Mhmmm. If you'll excuse me please." I practically ran out of the bullpen into the bathroom. I splashed some cold water onto my face. Why now? Why couldn't he come back when I was with Chris. Then I wouldn't feel so bad, wait now I sound like a bitch. Why did he come back at all? I have a family now, it's different. I closed my eyes......


I went to go see myself in the mirror. I was half naked with only Johnathan's shirt on. I checked my lip, I was bleeding a little bit. "You cut through my skin this time." I said wiping the blood away from my lip. He came up from behind me. Closely, making sure I felt his erection.

"Well, can you blame me? Your fuckin hot. And if you wouldn't mind, I'd look to continue. Start round 3." He said while carrying me onto the counter.

He kissed me and went down to my neck, leaving me lovebites. I'd have to wear a turtleneck tomorrow, but right now I didn't want him to stop. I moaned in pleasure as he went lower and lower. He was kissing my stomach then he spread my legs and started eating me out. I grabbed onto the corner of the counter and screamed.


Stop it Emily, cut it out. Stop thinking of ancient history. I went to grab my go bag. I bumped into Johnathan in the locker room.

"So, when we're you going to tell me you were coming to the BAU?" I asked.

"I wasnt. I didn't expect you to be working here."

"Bullshit, you knew I worked here."

"Your right, I knew. I just missed you so much." He started leaning in for a kiss but I stopped him by putting my hands on his chest. I could feel his abs, he still worked out. "Woah, what is this?" He asked grabbing my hand looking at my wedding ring.

"It's my wedding ring. So that should give you a hint to stay away ok. Cause my husband won't be happy if he finds out your here hitting on me. I have a family now Rush. With 3 kids."

"Oh yeah. So who's the lucky bastard."

"Hey! He's not a bastard. And you met him already. Aaron Hotchner."

"You married him? Wow, come on baby, you both could do better."

"Shut up ok. Just stop. Let's just work this case and that way you can leave."

"Ouch that hurts. What happened. You used to get so turned on by me?" He looked at me seductively. I knew what that meant. He pushed me against the locker, pinned my hands above my head. He pushed himself close to me, I could feel his erection. He started kissing me, and I kissed back. He was right, he did turn me on. He always did. He started unbuttoning my blouse, kissing my neck. I put my legs around him. Then I heard someone come in-


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