Mary's eyes widened, a surge of excitement mingling with a sense of the trust her brothers were placing in her. "Really?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes, but under one condition," Mark added quickly, his tone firm yet tinged with a smile. "We do this together, as a family. We'll go to Joe's after our shifts tomorrow night. It's a controlled environment, and we'll be there with you every step of the way."

The agreement struck, the siblings found themselves the following night at Joe's bar, a favorite haunt for hospital staff after long shifts. The atmosphere was lively, the air filled with the sounds of laughter and music, a stark contrast to the sterility and tension of the hospital wards.

As they settled into a booth, Derek and Mark's protective instincts remained on high alert, their eyes scanning the room, ever vigilant. Mary, sandwiched between her brothers, could feel the warmth of their presence, a tangible reminder of the bond that held them together.

"Okay, let's start with something light," Mark suggested, signaling to the bartender. "A beer for each of us, and we'll take it slow."

The beers arrived, and Mary held the glass in her hands, her brothers watching with a mix of curiosity and concern. Lifting the glass, she took a tentative sip, the bitterness of the beer a jolt to her senses, followed by a warmth that spread through her.

"It's... different," she admitted, her face scrunching up slightly at the taste, eliciting a round of chuckles from Derek and Mark.

Seeing her reaction, the corners of Mark's mouth twitched upward in a mischievous grin, an idea sparking in his eyes. "You know, we should really see how you handle a shot of tequila," he suggested, barely containing his laughter at the thought.

Derek, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow, his protective instincts kicking in. "Mark, don't you think that's a bit of a jump from a light beer?" he cautioned, his tone laced with the typical big brother concern, even as a hint of amusement played at the edges of his voice.

Mark waved off Derek's concerns with a dismissive hand gesture, his grin widening. "Come on, Derek, it'll be fun. We're here to make memories, right? Besides, we're all here together. What's the worst that can happen?" His eyes gleamed with the challenge, knowing full well that Derek's cautious nature was at odds with his own more adventurous spirit.

Derek sighed, the lines of resistance softening as he looked from Mark to Mary, whose curiosity was now piqued by the banter between her brothers. Rolling his eyes in a gesture of surrender, Derek finally nodded. "Alright, but we're sticking to one shot. We don't need Mary leaving her first bar experience not being able to walk straight."

Mary's eyes widened with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Wait, really? A shot of tequila?" she asked, her voice a blend of disbelief and eagerness. The idea of jumping from a beer to a shot of tequila seemed like a leap into the unknown, but with her brothers by her side, she felt a rush of daring coursing through her.

Mark, seizing the moment, signaled the bartender with a flourish. "One shot of tequila for the lady, and make it a good one!" he declared, the anticipation building around their booth.

As the bartender poured the shot, setting it down with a slice of lime and a pinch of salt, the ritual of the moment was not lost on Mary. She watched, fascinated, as Mark instructed her on the proper way to take a tequila shot – lick the salt, down the shot, and bite the lime.

Derek watched the proceedings with a bemused expression, his protective gaze never straying far from Mary. "Remember, it's all about the experience, not the race to the finish line," he reminded her, his words a gentle anchor in the sea of newfound experiences.

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