🍋~'|Just a small bet|'~🍋

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I cringed hard writing this-
I ask myself two questions writing smut, why did I write this? if I find it cringe why did I still write it? 😂


~'|3rd person's Pov|'~

Muichiro was the definition of a tsundere, cold, rude and aloof on the outside, but secretly soft and caring on the inside. He had always been this way, ever since he was a child. But there was one person who had managed to break through his icy exterior, Tanjiro Kamado. Tanjiro was everything that Muichiro was not. He was kind, confident, and had a natural charm that made him popular among their peers and Muichiro couldn't help but have a crush on him. Mainly since the day he first met Tanjiro, after helping him from hurting himself on accident.

One day, after a particularly intense practice, Tanjiro caught Muichiro staring at him again. This time, he had had enough. He walked up to Muichiro and lifted his chin up, making him look into his eyes. "If you're going to stare, at least look me in the eyes, wonder where were your eyes wandering this time Muichiro?"Tanjiro said with a smirk. Muichiro blushed and stuttered, "I-I wasn't staring, Tanjiro! Why the hell would I stare at you?!" Tanjiro pinned Muichiro against the wall and whispered, "I catch you staring at me all the time, Muichiro. Don't deny it." Muichiro's heart was racing, and he became desperate. Tanjiro could see it in his eyes and he couldn't resist teasing him.

"I was not!" Tanjiro leaned in closer, their faces only inches apart. "You were," he whispered. 'And I know why." Muichiro's heart was racing, and he could feel his face getting hotter by the second. He couldn't believe Tanjiro was so close to him, and he couldn't deny his feelings any longer. "Shut up! I'm telling the truth!"

"If you weren't staring, then why are you blushing?" Tanjiro asked, taking a step closer to Muichiro. "S-so what if I was?" Muichiro said, trying to sound confident. Muichiro knew he was practically caught in the act, and there was nothing he could do about it, he could feel his cheeks burning. He knew Tanjiro was onto him, and he couldn't deny it any longer. "Fine, I was staring," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. Tanjiro's smirk widened. "Well, if you were staring, then you must want something,"

"Dumbass, I don't want anything from you!"

"You know, Muichiro, you're cute when you're flustered. I bet you'd beg for more if I kissed you right now." Muichiro was surprised at the sudden bet, wondering why Tanjiro would say such a thing, Tanjiro does not usually flirt with him, or with anyone in fact, he mainly just flirted with others without even realizing or trying. "I-I wouldn't beg! I would never beg for you!"

"We'll see about that.." with that, Tanjiro leaned in and began kissing Muichiro. Muichiro was taken aback by the sudden kiss, but he couldn't deny that he wanted more. Tanjiro's lips were soft and gentle, and Muichiro found himself melting into the kiss. He could feel Tanjiro's hands roaming over his body, Tanjiro pulled away, for a moment a smug look on his face. "Looks like you're begging for more already," he said, Muichiro couldn't resist any longer. He kissed Tanjiro back with hunger, his body craving for more.  Muichiro moaned loudly, unable to control himself. "Tanjiro, please," Muichiro begged, his body on fire with desire.

Muichiro realized he lost the bet and covered his mouth quickly and Tanjiro smiled, "looks like I won..." Even if Muichiro knew he lost, he didn't really want to admit his feelings for Tanjiro still. "I - I didn't beg! It just slipped out that's all" He yelled and Tanjiro covered his mouth, "You did, and it's okay to admit it," he said, his voice gentle. "Just like it's okay to admit that you want more."

Muichiro couldn't resist anymore. He wanted Tanjiro, and he wanted him now. He wrapped his arms around Tanjiro's neck and pulled him in for another kiss, this time more passionate and urgent. Tanjiro responded eagerly, his hands roaming over Muichiro's body as they both lost themselves in the moment.
Muichiro's breath hitched, and he couldn't deny his need for Tanjiro any longer. "Please, Tanjiro. Fuck me," he said, his voice filled with desperation. Tanjiro didn't waste any time. He lifted Muichiro's legs and pinned him against the wall, his lips crashing onto Muichiro's once again. Muichiro's hands roamed all over Tanjiro's muscular body, feeling every inch of him.

Tanjiro began removing his clothes and Muichiro's and Muichiro couldn't resist and began to roam his hands all over Tanjiro, "God, you're so needy, Muichiro, I like it..." Tanjiro said, his voice full of desire. "I want you, Tanjiro. Please,"  Muichiro begged, his body aching for Tanjiro's touch. Tanjiro smirked and whispered, "Beg for it then, Muichiro."Muichiro didn't hesitate. He begged Tanjiro to go faster,. Tanjiro began thrusting into Muichiro with his strength, making Muichiro cry out his name and moan loudly in pleasure. "You like that, Muichiro? You alright" Tanjiro asked, making sure he didn't hurt Muichiro.

Muichiro could only nod and moan in response, his body on fire with pleasure. When Tanjiro hit his sweet spot, Muichiro screamed and came, but he still wanted more. He clung onto Tanjiro's body, begging him to thrust into him again. Tanjiro couldn't resist Muichiro's pleads and began thrusting into him harder and faster, both of them reaching their climax together. They collapsed onto the floor, their bodies tangled in a mess of sweat and passion."That was amazing," Muichiro said, trying to catch his breath.

Tanjiro chuckled and pulled Muichiro closer, kissing him gently. " I told you that you would beg for more, and you were amazing, Muichiro. I never want to let you go," he said, his eyes full of love and adoration. From that day on, Muichiro and Tanjiro's relationship changed. They were no longer just friends or classmates, but lovers who couldn't keep their hands off each other. And whenever they found themselves alone, they would always remember that unforgettable day when their hidden desires were finally unleashed.

~'|Thanks for reading|'~

Demon slayer ~•Muichiro x Tanjiro Oneshots•~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant