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"Dating in secret. We make a bet to see who can keep the relationship secret the longest. First person to get discovered is the loser," Lando proposed with a playful smile.

"One very big problem with this proposition," Lexi pointed out. She rested her elbow on the small dining table they sat at, resting her chin against her hand. "There is no relationship to conceal between us."

It wasn't necessarily the truth, but she could never find it in her heart to just accept what he had to say. Whether it was playing hard to get or a defense mechanism so he wouldn't tread too close to her heart, well that line was still a little blurred.

His eyes narrowed at her, his head tilting to one side. "And what would you call this right now?" He questioned, his hands motioning between the two of them before gesturing to the hotel room. No additional words needed to be said about the fact that they were entangled in a midnight rendezvous.

"Two friends hanging out in private," she replied nonchalantly. Lexi leaned back against her chair to appear relaxed. It took her every bit of self control to force down her laughter and maintain a straight face.

It wasn't a false statement. The whole night did feel like two friends having a night in. Except he occasionally made her heart skip a beat, and she wouldn't mind if he just took her to bed. But those were just minor details.

"Are you friendzoning me right now?" His mouth fell agape in disbelief before his eyebrows knitted together in disgruntlement.

Lexi's gaze scanned various parts of the room in an attempt to maintain composure. Anything to not look at him or her facade would absolutely crumble. "I mean, don't you think we'd be a fantastic best friend duo?" She asked coolly.

"Sure, if you're trying to write us into one of those best friends to lovers clichés," Lando suggested, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. He could tell her guise was slipping.

Lexi let out the laugh she was holding in and smiled at him, unable to hold her ruse. "I feel like our genre would be more enemies to lovers, don't you think?"

Lando nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but since you've already fallen for my charm, we're just gonna have to skip to the lovers in a secret relationship storyline," he said with a smirk.

"And what gave you the idea that I'm attracted to you at all, Mr. Norris?" She crossed her arms, gazing at him expectantly. Curiosity glimmered in her eyes as to what he would respond with.

In one swift movement, his arm reached for the leg of her chair, pulling it, and Lexi, closer to him.

He leaned towards her so his mouth was dangerously close to her ear. "If you weren't attracted to me, you wouldn't be sitting here in my hotel room in the middle of the night," he said in a low voice. The unfamiliar octave sent a shiver down her spine and blood rushing to her ears and cheeks.

"Not to mention, we are technically in the city of love," he added, pulling away just enough to motion to the Eiffel Tower glimmering through the window.

"Okay," she huffed, distancing herself from him as best she could. It was the only way she would be able to breathe normally. "Maybe I don't mind your presence."

"So just to be sure," he said slowly. His hand covered hers on the table, leaving tingles on every inch of skin he caressed. "Even if it's just a little, would you say you're attracted to me?"


Of course she was. If the answer was no, she would have gone back to her hotel room hours ago. Admitting that however, would go against everything she promised herself after her breakup. She was supposed to spend some time rediscovering herself and learning to be alone. She was supposed to pour herself into her work and swear off boys for a while. Lando Norris was not on her post-breakup bingo card.

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