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"You cannot post that on your story," Lexi laughed. She grabbed his phone from his hand to examine the selfie he was wanting to post to his Instagram story so badly.

After much arguing about how she was getting to the airport tomorrow afternoon, Lexi had caved and agreed to let him drive her there. "You're not going to have a better taxi driver than me," he had assured her. Who was she to argue with someone that literally drove for a living?

Lexi had learned to be an efficient packer, which meant she was done and ready to go even before the clock struck midnight. With so much time before bed, she had convinced Lando to do face masks with her so she could toss the container before departing.

The bright green color of the face mask fascinated him, so he had taken selfies of himself as Lexi applied the green goop all over his face. The specific picture in question that he wanted to post? Literally a picture that featured her two fingers spreading the skincare along his cheek.

"The fans need to know that I am a skin care girlie too," he argued. Lando truly saw nothing wrong with posting the skin care content for the fans.

Lexi rolled her eyes but couldn't stifle the giggle that bubbled in her throat. He was absolutely ridiculous.

"If you're going to post a face mask selfie, at least choose one where my hands are not on your face." The last thing Lexi needed was for Gia to see the selfie and start questioning why Lando was using a face mask, more specifically Lexi's favorite. She was clever enough to put two and two together.

His eyes softened as he processed her request. "Are you worried about the rumor mill?"

"Oh please," she shook her head. "Like they would be able to find anything out with just a blurry image of my hand."

Lexi truly wasn't worried about her anonymity being shattered. At least, not yet. "I'm not worried about me. I'm concerned for you. I don't want to add to the list of rumors that follow you around," she shrugged.

"It's okay, I'm used to it, really. I've learned over the years how to keep my sanity through it all," he assured her. He could have sworn there was a flutter in his stomach ignited by the face that he was concerned for him.

"Must be difficult having your life under a microscope all the time, though." The idea of not being able to date someone without the whole world watching? Just the thought of it made her sick to her stomach.

Lando shrugged his shoulders. "It comes with the job, I guess."

"Well, if you're not concerned, then post away. I'll just have to pray Gia doesn't see it." The only other people that would recognize the context were in the house right next door and it's not like they were going to spill any gossip about it to anyone.

With a triumphant look on his face, he tapped his phone a few times, posting the image for the world to see.

Lexi was quick to check her own device to see which picture he decided to share. "Lando Norris, is this your way of announcing to the world that you've added another mysterious woman to your roster?" Lexi gasped dramatically. He had decided to post the picture featuring her manicured nails. At least they looked cute.

Lando cracked a smile at her tone. "You're the only girl on the roster." 

The honest admission had left his mouth before he could think to stop it, and it had rendered Lexi speechless, and her mind went blank for a moment. That didn't happen often.

She responded by clearing her throat, trying to grab at her racing thoughts to shove them back into a box inside her mind. "That's bullshit, and you know it." Her tone remained light and she jokingly narrowed her eyes at him in accusation.

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