A start of the Adventure

Comincia dall'inizio

'Ahhh, what a shame it's the first time I feel this lonely' Stand up and dust away the sand stick on your pants.  

'It's time to acknowledge me for the world'







"How can I make myself famous if I were lost " you said out aloud with a deadpan face,  

In the middle of the sea, only you on your small ship get sail not know where to go.

just follow the current waves to send you far to an unknown place.

Playing a card on the deck peacefully until you heard a bustling and chattering sound.

wait bustling and chattering sound? at the middle of the ocean?

you sit up from lying down.

with a grin you look around and see a big ship,  When I said big it's insane big.  

Time for camouflage. pull out the cloth and make it spin around myself and make me and my ship invisible.  Grin to yourself.  you chant a spell 'teleport' A blue circle surrounds you before you feel you moved to another place.

Open your eyes you see yourself on their railing.  the sound of laughing and chattering can be heard.  The smell of Rum.  You look at their jolly Rodger.  It seems familiar but where?

the flag has a skull with a pair of crossed sabred behind it.  But the first thing that makes you familiar with the flag is it has two red stripes with black outlines that cross diagonally across the skull's left eye socket.  you make a think pose before you hear from the bellow. the sound of laughing that makes you gasp.

the familiar Red Hair who was very popular in your past life with alcohol in his hand but he was staring at your camouflage.  

'THE RED HAIR SHANK' you exclaimed slowly.  You can feel your grin can reach to your ear.  'Damn, I know want to meet your favorite character but not him a damn Yonko.'

He looks up at where you standing making you stagger a bit he still stares at you with a drunk face but manages to ask a question that makes his crew look at where their captain looks "Who are you?".  That question makes you startling a bit.  You can feel a tense atmosphere.  

"Captain what are you talking about there was no one there," asked a newbie

"No, I can feel someone is there," said a grey-haired man.

Shank still looks at you and sends an invisible wave.  You can feel it push you back behind.

'I forgot about Haki' you facepalm yourself.  You make your camouflage disappear.  Everyone can see your shock a bit.

You make yourself float before landing on their deck.  the pirate point their weapon at you.

"Who are you?" asked a red hair.  Your daced shadow by my top hat.  "Me?" I point my finger at myself.

"I'm not an enemy so don't be alarmed," you said casually while sweating nervously inside your mind.

"Then, Who are you?" asks a fat man who eats a mouthful of meat. eyeing you suspiciously. You only wave off with a smile.  You smirk before making your move.

 you make your signature bow. pick up your top hat from your head with a gentle face and place it in front of your stomach.

"Ladies and gentlemen. my name is Y/N. a magician" winked playfully at the red-hair pirate.  You said while snapping your finger and making one bottle of alcohol appear on your hand from thin air.  You stand straight with a confident face that matches your smile.  While inside you're sweating bullets.

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