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"How can I save them when I can't save myself"- Y/n

A wave of ocean and birds chirping are the only sounds you can hear near shore. Such a calm atmosphere but there was one silhouette lying on the sand near the shore. Laid a silver-haired girl who consciences and still doesn't give any response to waking up from her slumber.

The groan sound can be heard from silver hair girl. The girl looks around her environment and sceptical a bit what she saw. She laughs a little after she realizes what is happening. "Now where should I go?" she asks no one but herself. Near her there was a little bag she took it and looked inside it and there were many gold coins inside it. She hums in delight there is a note from Kuro that says "Y/n to ease your journey I will give you this spatial bag, in this bag there are money, clothes, and a book about your gift. Stay save Y/n from God of Salvation, Kuro"

"Thanks, Kuro. Don't worry I will stay safe until I see all my favourite Characters" she said happily.

Y/n stood up and swiped off the dust from her pants "I hope there was a town nearby". Y/n walks off and starts her journey.

One thing that Y/n realised was that she was becoming short like a little kid. She looks at her hand which is small compared to her previous hand before. "Am I turning into a little kid?" she took out a mirror and she was shocked She looked at her appearance, her appearance resembled her previous 13 years old age. She inhaled and exhaled her breath, "Y/n just think you've become a little bit young, keep smiling and follow the flow" Y/n said and walked to the nearby town.

>Time Skip 1 years later<

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my show," A mysterious voice said before appearing in the middle of the crowd.

Many cheers for the mysterious person.

The mysterious person throws her rob and shows her silver hair she wears a magician's historical attire a dark blue short pants and a Light blue Dress with a dark blue top hat and feathers. Yes, it's one and only Y/n. Her smile was wide and bright. Anyone who looks at her can't gaze away their eyes from her.

"New day, new trick," Y/n smirked before disappearing into thin air and appearing beside another citizen wearing a white dress with one red rose. She looks at the ladies with her flirtatious smile "Beautiful red rose for a beautiful girl" Y/n passes the rose to the citizen girl with her flirtation gesture. Y/n tilted up the girl's head to make the girl's eyes focus on her own eyes. The girl blushed madly with Y/n touch. Y/n smirked wide more with her action than Y/n said. "What a gorgeous cloth you wear but I think you suit with red colour more than white". A red rose the girl holds changes into a white colour meanwhile her white dress fades into a red colour.

The girl's expression turns to awe after her white dress suddenly changes into white colour.

"How you do that" the girl asks. Y/n looked at her before she slipped her finger and touched her mouth, Y/n said seductively "A magician will never tell their trick sweetheart" Y/n stepped away from the girl before the girl blushing redly, her eyes spinning like a drunkard person.

The crowd cheered loudly amused with the magician trick.

"I am glad everyone liked my performance today, see you next time for my next performance my lovely audience", Y/n do her little bow before disappearing in front of everyone.

Y/n pov

It has been 1 year since I arrived at Windmill Town. Let me say it again. IT'S BEEN 1 YEAR SINCE I'VE BEEN THROWN INTO ANOTHER WORLD OF MY FAVOURITE ANIME ONE PIECE, IT'S CRAZY RIGHT, I KNOW. Ahemm.

This year I was 14 years old, I have 3 years before I travel out into the ocean. Now my focus was sharpening my skills as a magician and martial arts to help me when I encounter bad people.

A Magician Pirate x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن