i called my sister leena and asked her to pick me up.



can you come pick me up right now


oh ok sure where are you?


i'm at the italian place next to the chipotle in downtown la


ok i'll be there soon

as i waited for her to get there i texted cam over and over again



cam we need to talk

cam im sorry

cam please answer me

can i come over?

cam im really worried about you


delivered at 7:42

did she block me? i need to talk to her. everything hurt right now and i just need to tell her that everything is ok.

once leena picked me up she asked me what had happened and i just broke down into tears telling her everything that had happened from the moment we met to that night. when we got back home i was a mess of snot and tear stained cheeks.

i went up to my bed and began calling cam. straight to voicemail. every single time. she blocked me. she really blocked me. the girl i was so infatuated with blocked me. my tears soaked the blankets for the rest of the night. eventually the night turned back into day and i was on the flight out to new york with my co-stars aryan and leah.  i didn't want to at all. i was not in the right place to be put infront of cameras and asked dumb questions for hours on end. i needed to see cam but i had to go.

because i hadn't slept the night prior i crashed on the plane and woke back up in new york. the sadness had stopped after i had slept it off but my heart was still in pain. everything was a constant reminder of her. after disembarking the plane and getting a uber aryan asked me a question.

"are you ok walker you don't look great?" he said turning towards me.

" just some personal stuff." i said without looking in his direction.

" oh ok ya know you can talk to us walk" he said putting his arm on my shoulder

" i know" i said putting on a fake smile then looking back down

for the rest of the week we where doing press for the new season of percy jackson. the fans had noticed my attitude was different in the interviews following the events at the resturant and that i had unfollowed brady and these topic cam up a-lot in the interviews.

"so walker is there anyone special in your life" the bald man said sitting up in his chair.

" um-uh not- uh - um" i said not sure what to say

"you're funny! but a question the fans have been wanting to know is who was the mystery girl you where seen at the mall with then running out of the restaurant with?" he said turning his head to the side. he then held up photos of me and cam the mall together at the mall then the photos of cam leaving in tears and a soaked dress.

this was way too far. first of all he's trying to get the know the love life of a 16 year old and he's trying to get to know know who cam is.

" i'm not diving into my social life right now and quite frankly that is a highly inappropriate question to ask on a kids tv show press tour." i said looking over at him

he stuttered to respond

" im not going to continue this interview" i said getting up from the interview leaving aryan and leah with the interviewer stunned.

i got a ride back to my hotel room and sat on my bed for a minute admiring photos of cameron i had taken the night of the sleep over. she was always so true with me, always there when i needed her most, always the one that was willing to put aside personal issues to help out a stranger even if that stranger was me. i think the first moment i realized i like her was when she yelled at me. sure i had a crush on her before but that was just based off of her looks. when she had the guts to tell me that i was being a dick without fear i realized that she was different then anyone else i had met. different then lauren, brady, my family, anyone, she was able to make me feel like i was important like i mattered even when i really didn't think i did. goddammit i need to tell her i want to be with her.


shorter post for today but within the next few chapters its will start to build back up again so be on the look out!!! why are wattpads stats broken? i gained over 400 view in one day yet it said that i had no unique viewers. also it says that ranks update daily but my views have doubled in the past week ( thank you guys) and i have been the same rank? idk but whatever. love you and new part out friday 💋💋💋

me and crystalc0ve

final word count:

not strong enough~ walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now