RPF) At Least 75% (A.K.A.)

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At Least 75% (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Chronically Ill! Reader)

Fandom: RPF/F2/F3

Requested: Yee

Warnings:  Chronically ill reader (not explicitly stated what illness)

Summary: Flare-ups and hot tracks are not fun.

W.C. 1181


Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


Maybe he would understand if you missed one day. Just one day this weekend was all you needed. You woke up this morning and felt like hell. Your mind was foggy and you felt like throwing up. Honestly, you really did not feel up to walking around period, let alone walking around a crowded paddock in the heat. Still, you knew that you wanted to support Kimi this weekend, and you would do everything in your power to do so even if it meant you would suffer for the day.

You looked to the other side of the bed, seeing Kimi's side empty. He had an important meeting with Mercedes this morning and told you he would meet you in the Prema garage whenever you got to the track. Groaning, you moved to sit up in bed, almost immediately stopping to lay back down as you were hit with a dizzy spell.

You waited a few extra minutes, taking some deep breaths to slow your rapid heartbeat. When you finally felt it slow to a normal rate, you gradually sat up on the bed. You waited again before swinging your legs over the side and standing up slowly, holding for a minute as you regained your balance. It did not take as long as it normally did, so you decided that was a sign to go about the day as normal.

Well, that was a mistake.

It did not take long after getting to the track for you to feel the wrath of your body. The heat was unforgiving, your head was pounding, your heart was starting to race, and you just wanted to hide away in Kimi's arms. Thankfully, you were able to hitch a ride from a passing golf cart, but the closest they could get you was the start of the pitlane. Unfortunately for you, the Prema garage was in the middle.

You groaned to yourself, not wanting to walk that far, so you took a seat on a nearby stack of tyres. You pilled out your phone, and just as you were about to text Kimi, he showed up, standing in front of you.

"I was just about to text you," You chuckled as you weakly wrapped your arms around his waist and leaned against his chest.

"I had a feeling," he chuckled, wrapping his arms around your shoulders as his hand held your head to his chest. "How are you feeling? Is the heat too much? Please be honest."

"I don't think I can walk to the garage, mio vita (my life)," You sighed in defeat as your shoulders sagged, but Kimi held you tighter to his chest when he felt you sink. "It's been a bad day, and it's only just started."

"Why didn't you stay in the hotel?" Kimi consoled as he rubbed up and down your back to calm you down. "Your health will always come first."

"I wanted to support you," You wined, pulling back a little to look up at him, resting your chin against his chest. "It's a big weekend for you, and you know I'd never miss qualifying."

"You're going to be the death of me," He mumbled as he left a few kisses around your face. You began laughing, but you cut yourself short when a wave of nausea hit you. You hid your face in his chest once again as you breathed in his scent. Even he could feel your heart rate rising from just sitting there, and it did not help that SkySports had spotted you. They looked like they were going to make their way over, so Kimi tried to pull away slowly, He turned around and gestured for you to hold around his neck. "Hold on. I'll carry you to the garage, and we can lay down before quali."

"Can we get food or smoothies first? I haven't eaten all day and I know I probably should," You whispered into his ear as you laid your head on his shoulder, and he held your legs tightly around his waist.

"I'll go get you a smoothie after I drop you off in the garage," Kimi compromised with a small smile as he started down the pitlane. "Look at you remembering to eat! I'm proud."

"I knew you would like that," You chuckled to yourself. You almost fell asleep, but you reached the Prema garage before you could. Kimi carried you into the back room where the driver's room was set up and set you down on the massage table. Kimi pulled off his Mercedes jacket and laid it over your legs before leaning down to leave a kiss on your forehead. As he pulled away, you reached out to grab his hand before he could get too far. "You leaving to get food now?"

"Yeah, I'll be back in a few," He sighed with a loving smile as he leaned down to be at eye level with you. He lifted your entwined hands to leave a kiss on your knuckles. "Your usual?"

"You're too good to me," You replied dreamily as you closed your eyes again. "What would I do without you?"



After qualifying (on pole!!) and after the debrief, you and Kimi were free to head back to the hotel for the night. Despite wanting to suck it up and celebrate Kimi's pole position, he knew you better than that. He knew as soon as he saw you sway in the garage after he pulled the car in that he was not letting you lift a finger that night. And true to his internal promise, he did not let you even walk.

"You know, it's not that hot. I'm okay to walk," You chuckled as he swept you into his arms and carried you through the paddock. Interviewers and fans that remained got a few pictures that you would be seeing later, but the gesture from Kimi made you happy nonetheless. "Are we going to dinner with the team?"

"Nope," He quipped back as he popped the 'p' as he walked out of the gate and toward the car that Rene was pulling forward since they carpooled. "We are going back to the hotel, ordering room service, watching whatever you want to watch, and relaxing. I need your health at least at 75 percent tomorrow. I know your 100 percent is hard to come by, so I'll settle for 75."

You could not stop yourself from laughing. Even after hearing this joke many times, it never failed to put a smile on your face. "Can we make a fort?"

"By we, you mean me?" He joked, looking down at you just as Rene pulled up. Kimi helped you stand on your feet momentarily, so he could open the door. Then, he helped you sit down. Even going as far as to buckle your seatbelt for you. Once he clicked it in, he moved his head, so he could leave a small kiss on your lips. He pulled away slightly before whispering, "If you want a blanket fort, I will happily make you one."


Thanks for reading! Please vote, comment, or, heck, share it if you want. For legal reasons, I am required to state that I did NOT take the picture. I got it off Pinterest or Google. If you crave more content like this, be sure to follow me on Wattpad, my Tumblr, and/or my AO3 all under the username of @BAD268. I am more likely to see requests sent through Tumblr, but any request is still appreciated. That's all for now, Lads. Thanks for being a part of my Academy.

Till next time,


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