HP) I Just Broke Up With My Girlfriend (R.L.)

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I Just Broke Up With My Girlfriend (Remus Lupin X Reader)

Fandom: Harry Potter

Requested: Yes by Anon

Warnings: Language (Given at this point), self injury

W.C.: 1615


"Do you have any plans for the weekend? I thought maybe we could go to Hogsmeade?"I said as I sat down next to Remus. He seemed upset the past week, and I thought a trip to Hogsmeade would lift his spirits even if it is only a little. He didn't respond, just set his head down on the table. "We could get some candy and have a butterbeer or something." James, Sirius, and Lily had sat down across from us and looked concerned for Remus.

"Moony, you good?" Sirius asked with a light laugh, thinking it was an act. Remus's head shot up at the teasing tone to glare at Sirius before turning his attention to me.

"I don't think I want to be with you anymore, (Y/N)," he said quietly, almost as if he didn't want to say it, but the damage was done. He didn't want to be with me anymore.

"So that's it? The last six months meant nothing to you?" I was mad. I tried so hard to not be that clingy girlfriend, but also not too distant where we appear as if we aren't a couple. Clearly, I didn't try hard enough for us. "You know what-don't answer that. Based on the breakup, I can assume everything meant nothing to you."

James, Sirius, and Lily were very confused with Remus's confession. I just rolled my eyes and went up to go to my common room.


Second POV

James did not understand why Remus was so sour this week. Then again, he remembered the full moon was Sunday-two days away. Remus had been going through weird mood swings before the full moon the last couple of months. The first time he was overly sensitive while the other he was super clingy.

Sirius knew Remus was feeling irritated, but he never thought Remus would explode on his girlfriend. Granted, Remus didn't say it in a harsh way, but Sirius knew (Y/N); she would blame herself for everything. Remus had been short-tempered with him all week, but he was always able to hold back from lashing out and hurting people's feelings.

Lily was just as shocked as the rest of them. She and Remus were just talking about what he was going to do for your six-month anniversary which happened to fall on the day after the full moon. She helped him plan a picnic by the black lake and decide which books you would be interested in. Remus seemed so happy to be with you, according to Lily.

It hadn't set in for Remus. He was just mad that his friends were pestering him, then his girlfriend would not stop asking questions, professors decided to assign three essays that were due Monday, and he was just overall pissed about the full moon being so close to your anniversary.

You, however, had just gotten over the initial shock. Now, you were just upset, crying under the covers in your room. Your roommates who had gone up to bed early were concerned but not enough to comfort you. You just wanted privacy, and if they were going to silently judge you, then you would hide in the abandoned Prefect's bathroom.

"Are you on your man period or something?" Sirius broke the silence around them. "Or is this one of your new mood swings from the full moon?"

"Shut up," Remus mumbled.

"No," Lily snapped. "We need to discuss this now."

"Yeah, you just broke up with (Y/N). Does that mean nothing to you?" James chimed in.

"Of course it does!" Remus exclaimed, standing up. "I just broke up with my girlfriend. And for what? To save her from me. This whole week I've just been pissed, and I don't want to take that out on her," he said as he started to sob. "I can't let her get hurt because of me."

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