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The first day of college. Well for me anyway. The old professor got fired for touching a kid. But that didn't scare me at all. I walked into his class and it was mass chaos. Not a single student was sitting in their chair except for one he was in the corner alone but it's not that he didn't have any friends he was talking to people he just was sitting alone.


I yelled as I put my briefcase on my desk. Most of the kids sat down in their assigned seats some of them didn't I didn't care I was a cool teacher I guess but that's fine I'm still worried about that kid in the corner he just sat there alone but again it's not like he didn't have any friends maybe he just preferred to sit alone?

"As we all know I'm your new teacher so let's go around and say are names so we know one another"

The whole class went around and said their name but when we got to the kid in the corner he refused to talk but he was talking to his friends earlier so it's not that he couldn't talk I just didn't want to. I continued teaching either way and asked him to stay after class. Once class was over he walked up to my desk and asked what I needed.

"Why didn't you say your name to the class?"

He froze for a moment then he spoke

"I didn't see the need to"

"So there no need for your new professor to know your name?" I said raising an eyebrow looking at him with confusion.

"Nope" he said with a hint of attitude and rolled his eyes.

"Well then Mr no name you'll have to stay after class tell you decide to talk in front of the class"

"Sir that's stupid and unprofessional"

"So is you not talking in front of the class. Now what's your name?"

"Oliver Moy sir"

I looked on my paper and he was supposed to sit in the front of the class but he sat in the corner.

"Ok Mr Moy why don't you sit In your assigned seat during class"

He paused again

"I like sitting in the corner"

I nodded in response and told him he could leave for today.

"But don't forget you have to stay after class tomorrow"

He rolled his eyes and walked away.

This kid. I looked on his profile he had a brother. Sebastian but they had different majors. Oli- was trying to be a doctor. Sebastian was trying to be a mechanic.


I went home that night wondering why he liked sitting in the corner so much to the point even when his friends wanted to talk to him he wouldn't move. Not tell the end of class.

I graded papers and went to sleep. But the next day Oliver wasn't in class. His friends had told me something that he sometimes just goes missing for a little bit then just shows back up. This kd really has my interest.

A/N you wanted oligge you got oligge just wait for more updates and have a good day/night stars love yas 🐢💜

Hes "Just" My Professor Where stories live. Discover now