Day 2 Punished

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Warning Star's punishments begin enforced swearing

Nat pov
I noticed Stella's eyes close well I was feeding her a bottle. I helped her finish her bottle by rubbing her throat making her reflex in her throat swallow the milk. I go the changing table and change her out of her clothes into a light onesie. I grab a little pacifier and gently pull apart Star's lips and stick one of the pacifiers in.
I put Star in a sleeping sack then put her in her crib. "Goodnight princess Mama loves you," I say leaving a kiss on her forehead. I leave my room closing the door. I grab the monitor from the kitchen where I left it earlier. I head down to the common room where everyone is at. "Hi Nat how was the first day with Stella?" Clint asks. I grab some Chinese food and sit down on the couch with everyone. "It was interesting," I answer. I eat some of my food. "How so?" Bucky asks. "She was a bit rude to me all afternoon I had to spank her," I tell the team.  "Well hopefully everything gets better," he says. "I hope so," I say. We hang out together for a little while before we all go to bed.

Skip to morning
I wake up and go to train a little bit before I have to wake up Star. After about a couple of hours of training I quickly take a shower before getting changed. I ate some breakfast sensing this would be a long day.
I go back to my room and pick out a cute shirt and pants. I put the clothes in the bathroom and start the tub. I go to the crib and pick up a sleeping Stella. She whines between her pacifier. "Shh go back to sleep. It's just Mama," I say taking her out of her sleeping sack. Star whines again wiggling around in my arms. I bounce her a little well walking to the bathroom.
I unzipped her onesie taking her out of them. I turn off the water and set her in it. She starts to wake up. "Hi baby how did you sleep?" I ask. She hums in reply still sleepy I take this opportunity to undue her braid. I grab a bath towel and start washing her body. I was just about to grab her arm lifting her arm ready to clean that area, but she started fussing making her body dead weight. "No don't do that," she says well getting out of the tub. I stop her, sitting her back down holding her arm up in the air and cleaning that area. I let go of her arm going to grab her other arm. She gets up and climbs out I let her. She shivers trying to find a towel but can't find them. I just watch for a few more minutes before going over to her. "You need to finish your bath," I say holding out my hand for her to take. "I can take a bathe by myself," she says walking away from me. "You're too little for that Star let Mama help you," I say calmly.
"I don't need help what don't you understand about that," she yells. "Ok I know you think you can but you can't," I say calmly. "Yess I can," she says crying. I pick her up walking back to the bathroom setting her back in the tub. "Shh shh it's ok no need to cry," I say calmly finishing washing her. I put on some soap in her hair massaging her scalp. I rinse her hair then grab a towel that's next to me. I wrap her up in it. "Let's get you dressed," I say. I put on her shirt without struggle. I grab her pants and bring her back to my room. I set her on the changing table. I strap her arms in then grab her ankles lifting her up. She was wiggling around trying to get out. "Star please stay still for Mama," I say calmly. "You're not my mother. I'm not a baby LET ME GO OF ME MOTHERFUCKER," she screams. I undo the straps and take her to the punishment room. I grab the gag pacifier and put it in her mouth. Then I change her into a big diaper making it impossible for her to close her legs. I strap her in the medical bed raising the bed up so she's sitting up. I look at her directly in the eyes. "YOU WILL NEVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN. GOT IT," I yell. Star tries to talk but all you hear is a muffled sound. "Nod if you understand," I say a little calmer.
She just stares at me. "Little girl you are testing my patience I said NOD IF YOU UNDERSTAND," I yell. She still doesn't so I lay  the medical bed back down. I flip her over on her stomach. I reach inside her diaper and start spanking her. I do that for about  five minutes. All well she's crying and thrashing around. I get up wash my hands then leave.
I come back a little later with Bruce and an IV bag. I hold her down well Bruce puts in the IV into her arm. She cries Bruce leaves I stay for a little while with Star so she's not alone. I check her diaper seeing a little bit not much. I leave shortly after. I check on her every couple of hours. "Goodnight Star Mama loves you," I say on my last visit. Star just grunts looking down at her diapered bottom. "I'll change you in the morning," I say.
I kiss her forehead and then put a blanket around  her leaving the room. I go back to my room get changed and start writing down my rules and punishments and rewards for Star that I will tell her about tomorrow on a piece of paper.

A/n Hope you enjoy have a nice day/night


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