Still, she kept going, trying to make her work count now more than ever, her efficiency key in keeping the higher levels of the Order working. She could not forget how important she was, that was key to her success. 

The general had been accepting of her outburst, not taking any kind of apology and instead asking how she was. Although she had recounted most of what happened to Grace, he was the one who had been there, heard it all, not just what she remembered to include. He endeavoured to be as understanding as he could, making sure she knew how valuable she was, too, earning her a promotion for her work on the trooper programme. 

Now, she sat alone in the office, typing up some notes from a meeting just before and adding some extra points to be followed up on. Her attention was drawn away, however, when a notification appeared on the general's calendar, flagging a meeting due to begin in the next few minutes. It was odd considering she hadn't scheduled one...

She was about to message him when the door opened and a woman in a gorgeous flowing black dress entered, dressed to travel with gloves and a cloak too, brushing a strand of deep black hair back over the fur collar. She looked about the room for a moment then made for Bailee's desk, hardly breaking her gaze. 

"Good afternoon, ma'am, can I he-" 

"I'm here for my 3 o'clock with the general." she stated, removing her gloves. 

"I see..." Bailee said, looking to the screen then standing. "He's not here currently but I'd be happy to take you to him." 

The woman merely replied with a small nod and a 'hm' to which Bailee moved to the door, holding it open so she could glide through it, making their way to the bridge. 

"And who are you?" The woman looked down at her as they walked, her heels clicking against the floor. 

"Lieutenant Latt, ma'am, the general's assistant." 

"I didn't realise he had one." 

"Yes, ma'am." Bailee chewed at her cheek, datapad clutched to her chest. "I didn't catch your name." 

"I would expect his assistant to know that." she replied, evidently annoyed at the question and shaking her head so her hair flowed down her back. 

"Unfortunately not, ma'am. I didn't schedule the meeting so I have no details." 

"Hm." She shook her head again, this time in disapproval. "Lady Rose Axos, the Supreme Leader intends to make a match of myself and the general. Standard, of course."

Bailee's head snapped up to her. "A match?" 

Rose rolled her eyes. "God, how dire..." she muttered, her tone turning condescending. "My family are powerful people, myself included. The Supreme Leader wishes to build stronger relations with allies and boost the general's less than desirable image." 

"I had no idea." 

"Hmm, not as important as you think." She gave her a spiteful smile, sickly sweet. "Perhaps the general ought to replace you." 

Bailee smiled politely. "We work well together, have a history." 

"Do you really...we'll have to see about that." 

This was going to be a challenge. "Well...I hope you enjoy your time here nonetheless." 

"I shall try..." Rose muttered as they reached the bridge, Bailee going on ahead to tell the general who was entirely in his own world, reading through some numbers projected in front of him. The place was fairly quiet with the officers focussed on their screens though their eyes flickered up to Rose while she waited, refusing to meet their gaze. 

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