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Just a normal day in hell.

I mean not really. It's the day after the Extermination. I just got back from Wrath and it's still chaos. Millions of bodies littering the streets. More than the usual mind.

All of us lot usually travel to the other rings just before the time it happens and come back to the Pride ring when it's over. Easy pickings, really. By the time, They clear up all the bodies the next extermination comes round so they've mostly given up in doing so. The acid rain will get rid of them. Lazy Fucks.

After a while you get used to them, the bodies I mean, I came here when I was younger and I was horrified at them. Piles upon piles, slowly pulling themselves back together. Their immortality not allowing them to die again properly.

Greed is like this with the bodies but still doesn't compare. It's why I prefer the other rings but jobs are quite limited there.

If you go to Lust you either work at Asmodeus' toy factories or at the clubs.

If you're in greed you're linked with some form of crime, whether it be transporting drugs into Pride or assassinating some of your boss' enemies. It's not so bad till you've got twenty odd loan sharks on your tail all the time.

In Wrath, it's all farming and fighting. None of us ever go to Envy. You can't anyway unless you've got gills. Gluttony and Sloth are the same you work making drugs or alcohol. You always end up working for the sins or the sinners.

So I chose the sinners.

Forget Lucifer. The Overlords rule the ring. They're constantly killing each other off but there's always more to take their place.

You don't see much of the royals or the Ars Goetia take any part in running the cities.They leave it to the sinners. Enough about Politics though.

When I first came to Pride, I was young. I had nothing. I had no one. Well I mean I had people but they were in the other rings and weren't leaving anytime soon. I couldn't find any decent jobs in the Inner city. If you know what I mean.

Before long, I'd run out of my savings. I say 'run out' but someone stole them from me. Everything gets stolen from you here.

There I was curled up in some old stinking alleyway outside some shitty bar, alone and out of money. Practically homeless. Cursing and yelling profanities at anyone who bothered me.

It was dark, I've always hated the dark.

There was one light, I remember, a bright green neon one that hung from the side door of the bar and read 'BOOZE' like I hadn't already figured. It flickered, casting long shadows across the wall but despite it and the glowing red pentagram in the sky it still felt too dark and too gloomy.

My view on sinners changed that night when two loan sharks storm out of that small side door, grabbing some guy by his multiple arms and dragging him out.


"Hey, watch it! Get ya hands offa me!" The sinner snaps at them, his voice strained as he flashes his pointed teeth. He has a singular gold fang which is bared in aggression. "Do ya even know who I am?"

"Pfft, no, we don't care who the fuck you are. You should be glad we 'avent shot you yet."

"Ya just wait you fishy bastards—"

They hurl him at the brick wall and a small crunch can be heard. He whips his head over his shoulders and glares up at them with narrow cerise eyes but they just snicker and slam the side door shut.

•𝙁𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙁𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨•//𝙃𝙖𝙯𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙡 𝙓 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙪𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now