January 6th, 2024

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Fuck you.
You think our friendship was worth letting go of.
You thought my messages weren't worth reading.
Or responding.
I was hurt by you for a long time.
But I never stopped caring.
I never completely just vanished from your life, like you did mine.
You and I are so different.
We always have been.

That's why you never understood me.
And you know what?
You're replaceable.
I've replaced you more times than I could count.
Why the fuck am I still grieving something that's so replaceable?
Why the fuck am I still grieving something that YOU let go of?
All that time with you, for nothing.
The one person who I thought would never leave.
And my heart is still aching because of it.
Because of you.

You never understood me.
We were different.
You were the shy girl everybody looked up to because you're so pretty.
Everyone bowed down to you like you were on a throne.
Prettiness can't get you far in life when you're there's ugliness on the inside.
You didn't even bother to READ my messages.
You have a bitter heart.
Like mine.
I guess we're more alike than I thought.

Here it is, so many years later, pouring my heart out.
You will never have the space in your heart for me.
Not the way that I have it for you.
Your heart is more like stone.
For after all this time, you won't even give me the time of day.
Fuck you.

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