September 3rd, 2017

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A friend who is much like me told me, about an hour ago, that I talk to myself all the time, giving myself self to self talk. I never realize how much self reflecting I do. But goddamn, I've change so much from the person I used to be. I can't even explain how thankful I am for that. For every little moment I've sat down just to reflect on the change, the self love, the enjoyment of every little moment, the positivity and the happiness that came my way. I've learned so many new things, even strategies to keep my head in a good place. Yeah I've made some mistakes, but without them, I wouldn't be where I am standing today. Tonight is so beautiful, I literally cannot wait to drive home and live. Live in this amazing moment of time. Living is beautiful. Never forget that. And never let anything or anyone stop you from accomplishing anything. - journal entry 9.3.17

Lost In My MindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora