July 2nd, 2021

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A story I never finished about being in love and going to the beach.

His hair blew in the misty wind.
His eyes were as blue as the ocean.
His smile was as bright as the sun.
His lips tasted like salt water taffy.

They danced in the sand.
Drifted out to sea.
Washed up on the beach.
Swam through the rush of the waves.

Their feet sank into the sand with every wave that washed up onto shore and back towards the water.

She got lost in his eyes every time he would push a strand of her hair back with his finger and held her face close to his. He would pull her in for the most perfect kiss. Nothing she had ever felt before. She was in love with him. He was in love with her.

His smile was something you have only seen in the movies.

They dried off and laid together on the sandy beach towel.
Nothing but happiness flooded both their minds as they looked up to the sky.
Blue. Just like the water. Just like his eyes.
They heard kids playing. Seagulls talking.

Lost In My MindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora