The meeting with Ash Misty and the samurai

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Harmony pov
After taking the plane I headed towards Viridian City passing through the forest, inside the forest I heard a buzz and beyond the bushes I saw a girl with orange hair and a boy with a Pikachu and surprisingly a samurai were running away from some pokemon, after seeing them enter a shack.

Harmony: "it seems those Pokémon noticed me but it's not a problem, ceruledge go with flame charge" after ceruledge chased all those Pokémon short at the door.

Harmony:"and allowed" the door opened and ceruledge and I walked in.

Samurai: "Who are you?"

Harmony: "hehe isn't it a little rude to make me these after I helped you with those Pokémon"

Samurai: "right, I'm sorry, I'm a samurai"

Misty: "I'm Misty" the girl with orange hair introduced.

Ash: "I'm Ash Ketchum from pallet town and this is my partner Pikachu, pika pika"

Harmony: "Nice to meet you, I'm Harmony from the Paldea region and this is my ceruledge"

Ash: "wow I've never seen that Pokemon" he said taking out his Pokédex but the Pokédex said he doesn't know this Pokemon.

Harmony:" and normal ceruledge and a Pokemon from the paldea region wait while I take out my rotom phone"

Rotom phone:" ceruledge Pokemon Fire blades, the fiery blades on its arm burn fiercely with the lingering resentment of a sword wielder Who fell before accomplishing their goal"

Harmony: "It's getting dark I can stay here for the night if you don't mind"

Samurai: "It would be the least after chasing away all those beedrills"

Harmony: "then for your hospitality I will make sandwiches for everyone"

Everyone: "thank you" after eating we went to sleep, in the morning I noticed that Ash wasn't there so I woke up Misty and samurai.

Harmony: "Misty could you tell where Ash went"

Misty: "he probably went to get metapod"

Harmony: "hehe what love for that boy for his admirable Pokemon, but we'd better go and look for him"

Misty: "you're right"

Samurai: "but first let's take my anti-bug type net"

Searching through the woods thanks to Pikachu we found Ash on the ground with the beedrill targeting him, the samurai was warning him against the two needles Attack, I was about to send my Pokemon onto the field when metapod jumped in front of Ash breaking the beedrill's sting but tearing it open his back to metapod, Ash kept asking his metapod how it was but suddenly metapod began to glow and evolved into a butterfree Ash who commanded him to use the move sleep powder putting all the beedrill and weedle to sleep along with two people and a Pokémon cat, after leaving the forest we greeted the samurai, I asked Ash if I could join the group for this trip and he willingly accepted my proposal, mine didn't, our journey continues towards peweter city.

 I died and was reincarnated as the son of a hex maniac Where stories live. Discover now