"lolicon... you're a lolicon, dude. what the hell?" your face cringed up in disgust.

"i'm not a lolicon.." his head turned down to glance at the locket before he lifted it to give you the full view of the image.

"i'm a siscon."

"that's not any better?! she looks 11, you loli-siscon!"

"she's 12. get it right."

lance only glared at you before the green flames had taken him next. you were at a lost for words, pinching the bridge of your nose. lance was weird. mash was weird. blondie was weird.

minutes had passed as you were the last to be teleported by the flames.


you stood in front─ no, wahlberg stood in front of you, a good distance away, rather than his usual spot at the highest seat in the hall. you noticed the lack of teachers around, leaving you and wahlberg alone in the dimly lit room.

"i will now begin the interview for (y/n) kairos." he announced, hands behind his back.

the atmosphere was thick with suspense. you were unphased. the darkness of the hall only went hand-in-hand with the creepiness of the room and the silence was just consuming. you could hear your own heartbeat at that point.

"first question. did the bureau send you for mash burnedead?" finally, wahlberg had spoken.

"no. i'm here to be a student." you lied with a straight face.

"so you learnt to lie with a straight face? learn to at least make believable lies next time."

"darn. i got flamed."

"answer the question truthfully." wahlberg exhaled, closing his eyes as he awaited your response.

"i'm only here to make sure mash burnedead survives in this school, even if he doesn't have magic. i won't be hostile unless you intend to take action against my orders." you sharply glared at him, recalling your aggression the last time he tried to interfere.

"protecting a lackmagic? does the bureau know about this?" wahlberg perked up, the atmosphere ever so slightly lifting.

"nope. not an order from the bureau." you scratched the back of your neck.

a chuckle escaped wahlberg before he started to laugh. not in a hundred years would he ever expect this from you, or maybe, he hadn't known you at all. it was simply just amusing. he cleared his throat, being met with your face written with confusion.

"i was wrong, (y/n). completely wrong." he mused, grinning at you.

"wrong about what..?"

"about you. in truth, you never cared about the bureau or the law. do you?" he let out another laugh. you were really wondering if he was santa claus' incarnate.

"what are you on about? oh no, has that blondie infected you with her delirium..?" you covered your mouth with your hand, backing up. was it contagious?

"define yourself. are you a cruel or kind person?"

"is this the time for philosophy?" you tilted your head.

cruel or kind? you didn't have an answer for that. none of that mattered to you. not now, at least. you've been shunned, you've been praised, and you've only carried out orders. who you were, what defined you, everyone you've ever met has had their own definition of who you were to them.

but what were you, to you?

"you don't know, do you?" the man spoke up. you only huffed, not seeing what the interview had to do with this.

"you don't have to attend easton just for mash burnedead. attend easton for yourself, you're still young; you can still learn." he said.

"i know all there is to know about magic." you furrowed your brows.

"it doesn't have to be magic. friends, relationships, trust, independence; you can have all of it if you just step away from the bureau of magic." wahlberg held out a hand towards you.

step away from the bureau of magic? leave? the only thing you've ever known? it sounded as if it were the impossible, and as if wahlberg had lost his mind. seriously, you couldn't, you─

"leave the bureau, (y/n). just once, trust in me."

you remained silent as all thoughts rushed through your head. leave the bureau. was that an order?

wahlberg only took a deep breath in, slowly exhaling. he took out his wand a flicked it. a list appeared in front of you. a list with very familiar names, too familiar for comfort. your eyes scanned through each and every name listed. it seemed endless, until you finally reached the final, yet the very first, name.

alistair kairos.

you flinched, connecting the dots. the names of those whose magic had been sealed away by you, most of them being death row inmates who were destined to die alone; not even magic by their side.

"shatterer of dreams, you don't have to be that anymore." wahlberg addressed you with an alias you hadn't heard in decades.

and truth be told, you shuddered. a cold shiver ran down your spine as you knew what you wanted. you wanted nothing more but for the death of that alias. only one person has ever named you that, former divine visionary, and your eldest brother, alistair, the night cane.

"don't call me that." you scowled at wahlberg, who only smirked.

"then make a new name for yourself. on that condition, i'll let you pass the exam." he turned his back to face you as you stared at him.

you sighed. not like you had a choice, you needed to pass to carry out the orders given to you. and soon enough, maybe you wouldn't have to go through extreme extents for pesky demands.


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ᝰ.ᐟ ︎︎ ︎︎ ︎︎ ︎︎ ︎︎AUTHOR'S NOTE
;i don't like this chapter,
it's so... corny/cringey, ngl.
BUT it's 4am & i've delayed
this chapter long enough 3_3

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