Let This Be A Sign

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Over time the amount of Hashira changed. Some retired and some. Giyuu was now 18. He decided that the new Hashiras did not need to know his secret about being deaf.

He didn't really have a problem with them knowing but he decided to not burden them with his disability.

To be completely honset he was scared of two of them so he wasn't going to tell them. It was Obanai Iguro the serpent Hashira and Sanemi Shinazugawa the wind hashria.

Giyuu would try to avoid them at all cost but they would see it as him thinking he didn't have to converse with them because he was better than them.

Shinobu Kocho was the younger sister of The Flower Hashira, Kanae Kocho. When she past Shinobu Kocho became a Hashira in her place. She is the nicest hashira. Giyuu knew her when she was younger and she used to scare him so he never told her and he avoids her but she pushes his buttons a lot.

Misturi Kanroji and Rengoku Kyojuro. They are a strange duo for Giyuu. Very enthusiastic and a little much for his pace. He can barely handle Uzui. Who learned sign language to talk to Giyuu.

Muichiro Tokito. Giyuu likes him. Thinks he is nice and calm. But he won't tell him to not override Muichiro's mind since he struggles with memory loss.

One day after being assigned to a mission with Sanemi, he was dragging his feet because of being tired from the night before.

The night before, Uzui broke into his house and they kept talking and talking. He does like Uzui but like before Uzui is to much for Giyuu's calm personality.

He yawned and Sanemi looked back. He bumped into Sanemi then he backed up and looked up at him. Sanemi turned around. "I'm sorry, am I boring you?" Sanemi said leaning forward getting into Giyuu's face with threatening eyes.

Giyuu who was reading his lips nodded no. "Good, now hurry up." Sanemi then turned around, Giyuu made sure to hold in any yawns and walk at the same pace as Sanemi.

But he was enjoying the scene and was looking around, he then looked up at the sky, there was no clouds. He wasn't paying attention to the fact Sanemi might have been talking to him and Sanemi was getting upset. So he smack Giyuu's back. Giyuu lunged forward a bit and looked back at Sanemi.

"Are you deaf or something?! I asked if you wanted to get food!" Sanemi yelled. Little does he know Giyuu is deaf. But he wasn't going to say that. Giyuu just nodded yes. "Thank God." Sanemi said rolling his eyes. He grabbed Giyuu's hand and dragged him back a few steps to a town they were passing. Giyuu really wasn't paying attention.

They went to a restaurant. Sanemi dragged Giyuu by the hand all the way to his seat. Giyuu and Sanemi sat down and looked at the menus. Sanemi had no idea what any of it was saying but he wanted to act smart in front of Giyuu and look like he was reading.

Giyuu on the other hand was looking at the menu, his eyes sparkled seeing the words "Simmered Salmon with Daikon" he really did love that meal.

Sanemi who was tired of acting smart and wanted a decent meal looked up to ask Giyuu what an item was, but he was a little taken back to see the look in Giyuu's eyes.

He cleared his throat and raised his hand out to Giyuu and snapped at him. The movement of Sanemi's hand did catch his attention but not the noise. He looked up and Sanemi turned the menu around. He pointed to something. "What is this?" Sanemi asked. Giyuu froze. He couldn't just sign it to Sanemi. Sanemi didn't know sign language. He didn't even know how to read.

He only had one choice and that was to use his broken voice. He knew his voice was broken because of all the years not using it because he couldn't hear it. So he'd give it a try. "I-it is n-noodles..." That was Giyuu got out. Sanemi was a little shocked. Thinking about it this was the first time he had heard Giyuu make any type of noise.

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