Tenderness, Courage, and Hope

Start from the beginning

Mad Mew Mew

Rose E.

Felix E.

Crimson C.

With the exception of the bottom two, most of the names were checked off already. Metta marked his own name, then did Blooky's and Alphys' for them. He couldn't help but notice that Mistral was not on the list.

"I live here." Mistral said as soon as he looked at her. He supposed that was as good an explanation as any. With that, Metta couldn't put it off any longer. It was time to mingle.

When he'd been Mettaton, glamorous TV star, things like this had been easy for him. Just throw on a smile, charm his adoring audience, laugh politely even if it wasn't funny- but he wasn't sure he could do that anymore. Sure, Metta knew how to fake a smile, he hadn't lost that ability, but here, in the house of the first man he'd ever killed? Plus, the more he leaned into his old persona, the more he became afraid of losing himself in it again. Of being the same old diva as before. Selfish.

Having a power that quite literally manipulated the fabric of reality didn't help with that.

"Well, well. Well!" A familiar voice cut through the living room as soon as Metta entered it. He sighed. "Look who fi-nya-lly decided to show up!"

"Hello, Madi." Metta gave his older cousin a strained smile. "They do say it's fashionable to be late, don't they?"

"Suuure they do... but I beat you." Madi, still in the body of Alphys's anime catgirl idol, gave Metta the smuggest of smiles. "Imagine that! Lil old me, beating the faaaaamous Mettaton."

"I don't think I'm famous for anything... good, anymore." Metta's point was punctuated by the fact that it was obvious the others present were giving him anxious looks while pretending they weren't. They were slowly getting back into their own conversations, but it definitely made him feel... self conscious. He didn't like feeling self conscious. He was supposed to want to be looked at.

"Don't worry about that." For once, Madi sounded serious. "Eventually, something new will happen and people will forget about all that. Maybe it'll be me! I've already been building my brand, you know~."

"I know." Metta nodded. "Blooky told me."

"Did they, now?" Madi smiled, gazing at her little sibling across the room. Metta followed her gaze. They'd become locked in conversation with an enthusiastic Undyne. Metta giggled sympathetically. Madi snapped back to Metta. "Ah, so you can still laugh! See, what'd I tell nya. It gets easier!"

"Yeah, it does... I guess." Metta admitted. There was a silence, briefly. "What did you do, when everything happened? I don't recall seeing you much."

"Made sure Blooky was okay, mostly! Felt a bit like babysitting, but I still got to show demons what I'm made of from time to time!" Her tone darkened. Clearly, she'd enjoyed taking out her rage. Of course she had. "In all seriousness, it gave us lots of time to talk. After all, I left Blook Acres first. I kinda got to... make up for that?"

Metta couldn't help but give her a surprised look. She shrugged her shoulders. Madi had always been one to avoid the issue. Much like Metta himself, she struggled with taking accountability. And now, she was growing at a faster rate than Metta was. Huh. Maybe she would surpass him.

"I'm glad you came, Metta." Madi continued to speak seriously. "I was afraid you might hide away. But, I should've known better. That was never your style."

"Well, you know me." Metta couldn't deny he'd considered hiding from this. She was right, of course. "I'm glad we're not fighting this time."

"What's the point?" Madi laughed lightly. "You've been through enough. Besides, you start far more fights than I do."

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