-The Truth of Sophie's Match-

Start from the beginning

But instead of revealing the name, the matchmaker paused, studying me intently. "Keefe, do you still have feelings for Sophie?"

The question hit me like a physical blow, and my heart faltered for a moment. After all the heartbreak, the constant struggle of my emotions, I had thought I had moved on. But deep down, I knew the truth. Foster had imprinted her presence on my soul, leaving an indelible mark.

I swallowed hard, my voice barely a whisper, "Yes, I do."

A glimmer of understanding shone in the matchmaker's eyes as he nodded. "Keefe, perhaps it is time for you to listen to your heart and let your feelings for Sophie resurface."

My mind spun with the enormity of what the matchmaker was suggesting. Would it be possible? Could I have a second chance with Foster? The realization flooded me with renewed hope, and a smile tugged at my lips. As the matchmaker continued to speak, my thoughts drifted to the possibilities that lay ahead. I no longer felt defeated or overshadowed by Fitz's presence. Instead, my heart soared with the prospect of rekindling my connection with Foster.

The future suddenly seemed brighter as I embraced my newfound hope. One thing was certain - I would fight for Foster with every fiber of my being. The storm within me was dying down, replaced by an unwavering determination to win Foster's heart.

I also felt overjoyed in knowing that Foster can maybe slowly start learning to love someone who for one loves her, and who she truly loves with her heart. Not her head trying to convince her otherwise. Most of all she can start feeling the beauty of true happiness. I love seeing her smile on her face, it makes her whole face light up in beauty. Her brown eyes sparkle every time she feels good about herself.


After the meeting with the Matchmakers, I had a new sense of hope. This was the start of a new begining. They revealed something that we've known all along. I had thought Foster was misplacing her gratitude, sometimes when I held her hand, or embraced her I could barely feel it, but it was there. Her locked away love that she has in her heart for me. Expect it was always pushed down by her obliviousness and her so-called crush on Fitzy.

I have a feeling she's not going to want to accept this right away. She might be considering that there's some mistake. There is no mistake in the work of the Match, as it is taken seriously, but that's beside the point. I totally get that she won't want this to be the answer, because after a long time of thinking, she would expect to get the person she thought, only for it to not happen.

But while she had a crush on Fitz, I always told myself I would never force my feelings upon her. Love cannot be forced, after all. It must be discovered, nurtured, and embraced willingly. I wanted Foster to realize her own feelings for me, without any influence from outside sources. That's why I never pressured her about anything. She has her own feelings and opinions, and I respect that. If she and I weren't meant to be, it would hurt, but I would be grateful to have someone as extraordinary in my life. 

Having her as my friend means the world to me. I've worked hard to push my feelings into the dark, now after talking to the matchmakers they have resurfaced. Telling me that they wouldn't have been hidden away forever. Love, I realized, was not something to be taken for granted. It was a gift, a fragile and delicate thing that required nurturing and patience.

Foster probably would have done something adorable, and they would spark up again.

I would have to say that Foster is having a wild ride with the whole matchmaking thing. It doesn't seem to bring her much luck. Honestly, it's kind of heartbreaking to see her so down and sad about the thought of being doomed to be alone. When this new test came about, it gave her hope again.... but it's only going to be shattered again before it can be fixed for good this time.

Like I said, 'Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better." Unmatchable and not being destined with the person you always thought you would. There's light at the end of the tunnel and it's ready to be whoever you need, dear Foster.

Sophie Elizabeth Foster, I love you more than what words can say. I hope that one day you will know in your heart how much I love and care about you. You are the light of my life. I dream of a life where I can be by your side, forever supporting and cherishing you. I want to be the one who holds your hand in times of joy and wipes away your tears in moments of sadness.

Foster, soon you will have the happiness and love you deserve. Just start listening to your heart.  


*The Sokeefe train in pulling in....TOOT TOOT! 

I am ONE follower away from 50! AHHHHH! 

"So, I grab your hand, ask you to dance. In the middle of the street, learn to sign, cheesy lines. Like, "Baby, you complete me." And in case you forget. Where we've been and what we did. I'll write it all down, read it out loud. Again, and again, I promise if you let me (what you gonna do?). I'll love you like the movies." (Love you Like the Movies--Anthem Lights)

Keep Being Cool


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