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Me, Bloom, and Dyso are all out again, but I-... I can't keep my eyes off Bloom... I loved seeing him so flustered. He makes me want more of him. I hate when girls start hitting on him. But I don't know why.

While Bloom was fighting, me and Dyso were busting hanging out talking.

"Bloom is getting hit on again, ha!" Dyso said looking at him. I turn my head to look, and a fire in my eyes started, I don't know why. But bloom got her number and she walked away.

"I... have to go to the bathroom real quick." I tell Dyso. "Cya dude." Dyso waved to me.

I went a different way than the girl but I went around to where she went. She was with her friends.

"I got this dudes number!- oh- I have to go, cya guys!" She waved to them. Perfect. I hid in a little crack, and as she walked by I grabbed her and covered her mouth as she screamed.

"Shut the fuck up..." I whisper to her in a harsh tone. "You ever... go near bloom again I will fucking slaughter you."

She looked at me terrified. She kept screaming. "Let me go!" "You can't tell me what to do!" "I did nothing wrong!"

She got to... annoying... I took out my DS and stabbed her in the stomach, killing her. I wipe the blood off my face before realizing what I just did. 'Did I really just kill for Bloom?.." I stare at the body before I put my DS back.

I walk back to where we were before and Bloom was already done fighting. "Hey Divided I was just telling Dyso how I got this pretty girls number!" Bloom said waving the number in my face, a hint of jealousy showed but I quickly hid it.

"Hopefully she actually likes you for you and not your looks." I say to Bloom. Bloom rolled his eyes. "Your just jealous you can't get girls!"

"I bet you I ca-!" I get cut off, at the right time a girl comes up to me, it was the girls friend. "Hey I thought you were really pretty... and uh- I was wondering if we could be friends." 'The perfect timing...' I thought as I smiled at her. "Of course! What's your name?" I say being extra polite to her than I usually am with anyone.

"Uh-! I didn't think you'd actually- uhm my name is Luna! What's yours?" S- Luna asked me. "My names Divided." I winked at her, I wouldn't lie she was very gorgeous.

"Can I get your number?" She asked shyly. "Yes! It xxx-xxx-xxxx." Luna than said thank you and turned away, waving me goodbye, I felt myself blush, am I really falling for two people?

"Ha, told you." I shoved my finger in Blooms face. Bloom just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, I waved them goodbye and started texting Luna.

It's been a lot more months and me and Luna started talking and hit it off quickly, and started dating.

"There's no hope dude." Dyso said to Bloom. I raised my eyebrow. "What happened?" I asked

"The girl hasn't been texting Bloom ever since." My eyes suddenly darken as I remembered what I did. "Mhm that's sad..." I said looking away and looking at the newspaper, that's when I see her dead body on it.

"Uhm Bloom... I think you wanna see this." I said showing him. Bloom was devastated. "So that why..." Bloom said sounding sad, I didn't mean to make him sad. Dyso was just like 'omg'.

D3adest here be greatful I made one😈

It's only like 600 words tho the next one might be better🤫

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