(X) 'I have things to talk to her.'

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Yoongi is sitting on the couch holding Jimin closer. He smells Jimin and brushes his waist.

Jimin says, 'I love you, Yoongi-Ichaya.' and leans onto Yoongi's right shoulder.

Yoongi says, 'I love you, too, baby.' and kisses Jimin's head.

Ji-Yoon rings the doorbell and waits patiently. Mrs Min opens the door and lets her in.

Ji-Yoon says, 'Amma, Anju completed the assignment already.'
Mrs Min says, 'She's not wasting her time like you do.'
Ji-Yoon says, 'Amma! Don't say that. I don't waste my time.'

Mrs Min sighs heavily and walks off to the kitchen.

Yoongi says, 'Baby...' and sniffs Jimin's head.

Jimin hums in a questioning tone.

Yoongi asks, 'Have you ever thought that you'd fall for a man?'
Jimin answers, 'I never thought that I'd find someone I love.'
Yoongi asks, 'Why?'
Jimin answers, 'It's too good to be true.'

Sudhakaran is standing in front of Yoongi's door. He looks around and makes sure that no one spots him.

Yoongi kisses Jimin's head and says, 'It's late already. I should go.'

Jimin says, 'It's just 6, Ichaya.'
Yoongi says, 'Ji-Yoon must be home by now. I have things to talk to her.'
Jimin asks, 'Are you gonna tell her about us?'
Yoongi answers, 'Maybe.'

Jimin kisses Yoongi's cheek and says, 'Things will be fine. Don't worry. Mmm?'

Yoongi hums and stands up. He adjusts his shirt and walks to the door. He turns around to look at Jimin and flashes a smile.

Jimin brushes Yoongi's hand once and raises his chin. Yoongi opens the door and steps out. Jimin watches Yoongi walk away and closes the door.

Sudhakaran rings the doorbell of Yoongi's house.

Ji-Yoon clicks her tongue and keeps her book on the couch. She takes a shawl from the couch and covers her chest with it.

Mrs Min says, 'It must be your brother. Get the door for me.'
Ji-Yoon says, 'Fine, Amma. Just a minute.'

Sudhakaran rings the doorbell again.

Ji-Yoon walks to the door and opens it. She spots Sudhakaran and recognises him.

She asks, 'How can I help you?' and presses her lips tight.

He asks, 'Dear, isn't your brother home?' and smiles.

She answers, 'Nope. Why do you ask?' and gulps nervously.

Mrs Min walks to the living room and asks, 'Who is it?'

Ji-Yoon answers, 'Sudhakaran Pazhayaveettil.'
Mrs Min asks, 'What is he doing here?'

Yoongi is driving towards his house. He plays a song and hums along with a shy smile on his lips.

Sudhakaran says, 'Hello, ma'am.' and smiles brightly.

Mrs Min says, 'H-hello... My son isn't home right now...'
Sudhakaran says, 'I know. That's why I'm here.'
Ji-Yoon asks, 'Sorry?'

Sudhakaran walks in and closes the door. He steps closer to Ji-Yoon and takes off her shawl.

Ji-Yoon covers her chest with her hands and shouts, 'What the hell are you doing? Let me go!'

Mrs Min starts to panic—she seems to have comprehended the situation.

Sudhakaran grabs Ji-Yoon's arm and pulls her closer as he says, 'Come here, bitch.'

Mrs Min tries to push Sudhakaran away. He pushes her to the floor. She gets up and tries to push him away again.

Ji-Yoon shouts, 'Amma!'

Sudhakaran grabs Mrs Min's hair and hits her head on the side of the table. She starts to bleed on the forehead and falls to the floor.

Ji-Yoon shouts, 'No! Amma!' and weeps loudly.

Sudhakaran says, 'Blind bitch.' and scoffs.

Ji-Yoon tries to free herself from Sudhakaran's hold. He ends up scratching her arm as he tries to hold her closer.

Sudhakaran tears Ji-Yoon's dress. She struggles to hide her body in front of him.

Yoongi rings the doorbell.

Ji-Yoon shouts, 'Ichaya!' and screams as Sudhakaran slaps her making the corner of her lips bleed.

Yoongi hurriedly opens the door and removes his footwear. He rushes in and spots Mrs Min on the floor; Ji-Yoon pushes Sudhakaran away.

Ji-Yoon rushes away, hiding her body with her hands. Sudhakaran turns around and spots Yoongi. He grabs a knife from his pocket and steps closer to Yoongi.

Yoongi grabs Sudhakaran's hand and holds the knife closer to his neck. He manages to slit Sudhakaran's throat—the blood splashes and wets the floor; a few drops wet Ji-Yoon's book.

Ji-Yoon sits on the floor and sobs silently. Yoongi puts the knife down and takes the shawl from the floor—it has spots of blood on it—and walks to Ji-Yoon. He covers her with the shawl and rushes to the door. He closes it and locks it.

Yoongi sits on the couch with his bloody shirt. He leans to the couch and thinks for a minute.

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