(V) 'I hope you can talk to me.'

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An hour passes.

Yoongi rings the doorbell and waits patiently. Ji-Yoon opens the door and lets him in. Without a word to him, she walks off.

He closes the door and says, 'Amma, I'm home.'

Mrs Min slowly walks into the living room and says, 'Ah, okay. It's almost time for dinner. Go freshen up.'

He says, 'All right.' and walks upstairs.

Shortly, Yoongi is having dinner with his mother and sister. Ji-Yoon looks bothered. None of them utters a word.

Later at night, Yoongi is sitting on the bed with his phone. He makes a call to Jimin with a sigh and walks into the bathroom. He locks himself and sits on the closed water closet.

Over the phone.

Yoongi: Hello...?

Jimin: Hello. Who's this?

Yoongi: Yoongi Min.

Jimin: Ah, Yoongi-Ichaya, tell me.

Yoongi: Uh... Are you free right now?

Jimin: Yeah. I just completed my study schedule. I'm free until I feel sleepy.

Yoongi: Okay, great. I hope you can talk to me.

Jimin: Why can't I talk to you?

Yoongi hears a noise from the outside. He clicks his tongue and opens the tap just a little over the bucket.

Yoongi: I mean, someone could hear you.

Jimin: No one's gonna hear me at my house.

Yoongi: Good then. I don't have a lot of privacy here.

Jimin: I don't have to worry about my privacy.

Yoongi: Oh... Why?

Jimin: Because I live alone.

Yoongi: What about your parents then?

Jimin: They're no more.

Yoongi: I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked you.

Jimin: No, that's okay. It's been a couple of years now.

Yoongi: If you don't mind me asking, what happened to them?

Jimin: My parents weren't on good terms. Amma committed suicide when I was in high school. Appan met with an accident and passed away a couple of years ago.

Yoongi: I'm so sorry, Jimin.

Jimin: Thank you...

Yoongi: Mmm...

Jimin: What about your parents?

Yoongi: Appan is no more. He passed away due to a heart attack years ago. Like, when I was of your age.

Jimin: Oh... I'm sorry.

Yoongi: Thank you. I live with Amma and Ji-Yoon.

Jimin: It must be hard for you to take care of your mother and sister.

Yoongi: Not really. Amma likes to be independent. She was born blind. So... She doesn't like to depend on anyone.

Jimin: Oh, I didn't know that.

Yoongi: Yeah. It's okay.

Jimin: Uh... Ji-Yoon said that you're from Daegu.

Yoongi: Yeah...

Jimin: Mmm...

Yoongi: Do you go to church?

Jimin: How do you know that I'm a Christian?

Yoongi: Uh... Lucky guess...

Jimin: Fair enough. I used to go to church but I stopped after Amma's demise. Also...

Yoongi: Also?

Jimin: I'm bisexual. If people from the church get to know, I'll be in trouble.

Yoongi: I can understand. It's just a matter of time. If people from the church get to know that I'm gay, I'll be dead.

Jimin: Oh... I thought you were bisexual.

Yoongi: What? Maybe I am... I don't think so. Whatever. It doesn't matter. I like you. That's it.

Jimin: Someone wants to be my boyfriend.

Yoongi: Yes. Can I?

Jimin: What's the hurry, Yoongi-Ichaya?

Yoongi: Every time you call me that, I lose control. 

Jimin: Come here then. Let's talk... Face to face.

Yoongi: Are you sure?

Jimin: I know that you know my address. It's the second house. Come over.

Yoongi: I'm coming, baby.

Jimin: I'm waiting, Yoongi-Ichaya...

Yoongi: Mmm.

Yoongi hangs up and stands up. He closes the tap and opens the door. He walks out of the bathroom and keeps his phone on the table. He begins to get ready.

Soon, he grabs his phone and slides it into his pocket. He walks out of the bedroom and steps downstairs.

He walks into the kitchen and spots Mrs Min. He says, 'Amma, I'm going out.'

She asks, 'Where are you going at this hour?'

He answers, 'It's just 9... I'll be back soon.'

She says, 'I asked you where you are going.'

He says, 'Just to meet my friends.'

She says, 'Don't drink and drive. Am I understood?'

He says, 'Aye.' and kisses her cheek.

She sighs heavily and shakes her head a little. He walks out of the house in a hurry. Ji-Yoon stands near the window and watches Yoongi drive off.

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