Chapter 5 : Emily

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Telling somebody that you have never had sex before is one of the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Like the SAT was easier. Most people would freak out and look at you differently, but the way Adam looked at me made me feel like I wasn't different and alone. 

Then after when I kissed him, I felt like I was floating like a balloon and I didn't want it to stop. Adam was perfect he was so gentle and rough at the same time. I was so surprised when he asked me to go home with him. I didn't want to seem like I wanted to go to even though I was screaming in my head. 

I didn't know what to do when we walked in his apartment. He lives in a loft that's very dark and gloomy. I could definitely use a lot of color or at least a flower or two. I walk over to his bed and take a seat and he asks "Do you want some water?" 

"Yes please, thank you." I don't know why he was being all sweet to me right now. This is the same dude that i just saw scream at his employee for walking too slow, while we were trying to leave.

He walks toward me and sits next to me on his bed. "Please make your self feel like home." He places both glasses on his night stand and starts to take off his shoes. 

"So is this how you would have treated me yesterday if we weren't busy?" 

"I have no clue. Probably no. I most likely would have treated you like some stupid whore I found on the side of the street." My eyes went wide. Is this who he really is? The man I saw not even 30 minutes ago was gone. He just vanished in one car ride. "But, then I saw you were a mess, no offense and I know how it feels when it seems like no one is on your side. It sucks. Emily I felt for you. Then I saw you this morning and how you really needed a job and how your home life sucked ass." 

I was so close to being in tears. How could a rude ignorant man have this much sympathy. "I felt like I needed to be the person in your life that is going to help through it all. Only because I know how hard it is to go through it by yourself." I was about to start balling my eyes out. "It also helps that like you are so fucking hot Emily. You do not understand what I would do for you to be mine and only mine."

I stared at him, I looked him in the eyes trying to find out who hurt him and why did he deserve it. "Oh really?" 

"Emily if you were mine I would kill somebody if they ever laid a hand on you. If you were mine everybody would know it. I would bring you everywhere I go with my hand either on your ass or around your waist. I would give you everything you would ever want in life."

"What if were to purposely want someone else to touch me?" I ask as I began straddling his legs. "What would you do then?"

"Oh Emily." he chuckles softly. "That would never happen because you would only crave my touch." He whispers in my ear. He moves his hands to my wet pussy and I jump at his touch. "Sunshine, are you always this wet?" He brings his fingers up to his mouth and sucks on them. "You taste so good." He kisses me and slides his hands up and down my back messing with my bra with every pass. My hand start to tug at his shirt begging to get a look at what is hiding. I help him unbutton his shirt and he helps me with mine. 

He stops kissing me and just looks at me. His eyes travel up and down my body and then they land on my breasts. He looks me in the eyes. "Can I?" I nod my head yes even though I was so unsure about the whole situation. His left hand rests on my ass while the right hand goes and unclasps my bra. "Fuck, Em." He says as my bra lands on the floor. "Goodness. Emily." His eyes flick up to mine asking a million questions. 

"Yes" I say resting my hands on his shoulders. 

"Are you sure?" I nod again. My breath hitches as his mouth closes around my hard nipple. Once again I am left with absolutely no where to put my hands. "Sunshine, your hands are making this awkward." 

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