Chapter 4 : Adam

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No she doesn't know that I stalked her. She will never know that I stalked her. Based on the way she is tugging on my jeans, she has no need to know. After she kissed me I knew wanted her, to taster her. I never knew I would love the smell of vanilla and lavender, but goodness it drove me wild. We barely inside the building with her shirt on. We were almost completely striped before she said. "Wait. Fuck. I can't do this I-I." 

"Emily what are you talking about." 

"Don't fucking say my name like that. I need to go home." She says crawling out from under me. She runs around my room looking for her clothes. "FUCK."

"Em, what are you looking for?" I say leaning against my head board. 

"I am looking for my bra. Fuck I can't- I." She stops and runs her hand down her face. She stares at me, with a look in that makes me want to do unspeakable things. "Adam I can't believe I was about to sleep with you." She looks like she is about to cry. "I barely even know you! What was I thinking!" 

"Sunshine, it is okay." I say standing up and walking toward her. I wrap my arms around her. As soon as I touch her, she relaxes in my arms. I pick her up and hold her close to my chest. "I am sorry if you felt forced. That was not my intention at all." She rested her head on my shoulder as I rub her back. 

"I just like. I don't know. I am going to sound so stupid. I just have no clue what I am doing. I mean kissing you was so spontaneous and out of my comfort zone. Fuck now I feel like I have led you on, I am so sorry." She sobs even harder. I walk us over to my bed and sit down with her on my chest. 

"No baby. You didn't lead me on." We sit there in silence until she falls asleep. How the fuck did this happen. I never have felt this way with a girl. I don't even know her, but I want to so badly.


"Adam I swear to god if you do not get that thing that is poking in my back." She touches it. 

"Oh Sunshine. You going to get your self in a world of trouble if you do not move your hand." I mumble into her neck making her rip her hand from my dick. I move her close to my front with my hand on her tits.

"Oh my god." She sits up. "Fuck. I am going to be late." She runs around my room again. 

"This looks oddly looks familiar." 

"Adam I am this close to chopping your dick off. Shit I am late." 

I let her leave. Damn it I let her walk out. I throw my phone across the room shattering it into pieces.


Since I was the reason Emily was late I guess I could tell her teacher it was my fault. Sadly I do not have the time for that. I have to look for another stupid assistant. 

"Sir I have a lists of people that have applied and the only one qualified is Ms. Anderson." Mark my coworker says walking with me over to the conference room. 

"Okay she will be the first one I will interview today." I say as I sit down in my seat. I don't even know how I am going to be able to focus. Emily looked so hot last night under me. Exposed and innocent. The smell of her hair and how soft her skin was so unbelievable. I loved, absolutely loved sleeping next to her. I hate myself for loving it but I can't love it. I can't. 

All I want to do is see her again. To see her in my bed again and to smell her again. Fuck. She isn't even my type. I have never ever liked a girl like her. I like girls that know what they want, who know how do the things that I like. I am very hard to please. It is very hard. Maybe that is why I had a shit childhood. 

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