-The Letter's Arrival-

Start from the beginning

"You're right, Edaline. Thank you," I whispered, feeling a weightlift off my shoulders.

She smiled back at me, her eyes shimmering with pride. "Now, go on and open that letter. Remember, no matter what it says, you are loved."

I nodded, trying to convince myself that there was truth in her words. Deep down, I knew she was right, but the fear of rejection lingered. Finally, with a determined sigh, I opened the letter. My eyes scanned the words, my heart pounding in my chest. The silence in the room was palpable as the moments stretched on.

"Want me to beside you when you open it?" she asked gently. I nodded, knowing I could use a warm hug if it's not what I expected it to be.

Me and Edaline retreated to the living room. We left the envelope untouched on the coffee table. I nestled closely to Edaline, finding comfort in her presence, as we contemplated what lay within the envelope.

But still, doubt gnawed at me, twisting my insides into knots. What if we weren't a match? What if all our efforts had been in vain? My heart raced as I stared at the letter, willing myself to open it.

The room felt suffocatingly small, as if the walls were closing in around me. I needed air. I needed a distraction. But my feet felt like lead, rooted to the spot. I couldn't tear my eyes away from that agonizing piece of paper. What if we weren't a match? What if everything I had felt for him was one-sided? The fear gnawed at me, making me second-guess every stolen glance, every electrifying touch, every stolen moment we had shared.

A mixture of frustration and anxiety washed over me. How could they end the letter like that? What was the point of making me wait even longer? I quickly scanned the words preceding the abrupt halt, hoping for some clue, some hint of what the outcome might be. But there was nothing. Only the promise of an answer lay just beyond my reach.

I sighed and crumpled the letter in my hands. This was going to drive me insane. I had been waiting for far too long to find out if Fitz and I were meant to be or not. Every day, every moment, had been filled with uncertainty.

Ever since we had embarked on this journey of compatibility, my mind had been consumed with thoughts of Fitz. His teal eyes, his movie star smile—everything about him had captivated me from the day we met. And now, after all the trials and tests, we were one step closer to finding out if our connection was more than just a passing fancy.

Thoughts swirled through my mind, memories of my time at Foxfire Academy and the adventures I had shared with Fitz. We had grown closer, their bond stronger than ever. But now, our future hung in the balance, reliant on a piece of paper that held the power to determine our compatibility.

Minutes turned into hours, the anticipation weighing heavy on our shoulders. I felt my eyelids growing heavy as my mind drifted into fitful dreams. I fought against sleep, desperately needing answers, but my exhaustion won. As I succumbed to slumber, my dreams were filled with vivid images of me and Fitz, laughing and smiling, our future bright with hope. The suspense of the envelope, however, remained unresolved, dangling precariously in the realm of uncertainty.

Morning broke, painting streaks of golden light across the living room. I stirred from my sleep, my gaze falling upon the coffee table. The envelope remained unopened, its contents a mystery.

The seconds ticked away, each one dragging on like an eternity. I couldn't bear the suspense any longer. I had to know. Newfound determination, I smoothed out the crumpled letter and began reading from the beginning. Perhaps there was some hidden clue, a subtle indication of what the outcome might be.

The words on the crisp white paper seemed to jump out at me, my heart pounding in my chest.

Dear Miss Sophie Foster, 

We The Matchmakers herby present the eligibility results of Sophie Elizabeth Foster and Fitzroy Avery Vacker, based on careful analysis of genetic compatibility, after careful consideration and analysis, your Eligibility Test has.......


*You guys probably can easily guess what happens next. 😉

*If I had a nickel for every time I took down this story...I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice right? * 😏

"You had a bad day; you're taking one down. You sing a sad song just to turn it around. You say you don't know, you tell me, "Don't lie." You work at a smile, and you go for a ride. You had a bad day, the camera don't lie. You're coming back down, and you really don't mind. You had a bad day." (Bad Day--Daniel Powter) 

Keep Being Cool


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