○where you guys met○

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Crowley:You were walking around the streets of Soho and ended up in a nice little park.The Park had a lake with lots of ducks swinging around and lots of dog walkers and being the klutz you are while being distracted by everything you accidently walk into Crowley.He had a bage of frozen peas in his had and was feeding the ducks before you walked into him.It was a bit awkward but you apologise and somehow ended up talking to him about ducks.

Aziraphale:While walking around, you noticed a red corner bookshop.And because of your curiosity and for your love of books, you find yourself entering said shop.The walls and the floor was cover in books now this is what you call a real book shop so you decide to walk around and you saw someone.This someone was Aziraphale trying to put a book on one of the high shelfs and you noticed that he was a bit too short to reach.You walk over and offered to help him put his books away and you two got talking and found out that you have a similar taste in things.

Gabriel/Jim:Being a regular to the book shop and being good friends to Aziraphale, you decide to go in the book shop today only to be surprised with the new assistant.Upon entering you walk over to the poems and you noticed that someone was whistling a tune.You knew it could be some stranger but getting more curious you walk over and see a man in Beige clothing sorting books with the fist letter of the first sentence.You ask what he is doing but just speak in a care free tone of voice and some how he got you to stay and talk to him.

Beelzebub:After a long night out with your friends (if you have any), you decide to all go to a pub just before you guys headed home.You were sitting down drinking whatever when you noticed a person sitting by themselves and being who you are you decided to go over to them.At first they didn't look like they wanted you there but over a couple of drinks and a thew conversation she started to like you and she let you sit with her for a while.

Muriel:It was a warm summer day and you wanted to go shopping and as you were shopping you noticed this girl in completely white clothes.She look like she has never seen a street before as she kept looking at everything and everyone so you said hello and you found her funny.After a long convo you ended up inviting the girl for tea around your house.

Nina:You walk into the coffee shop looking for someone, or should I say somebody.You walk over to the counter ready to order when Nina turns around and spots you.You own the flower shop on the corner and that you always wanted to try and get a convo out of Nina so you took your chance.

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