14. Taking risks

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The weeks went by, and the lack of tourists began the low season. Hellen could finally enjoy her free time, but this time, she wasn't happy about it. Work kept her busy and kept her from thinking about Severus.

She tried to fill her days with activities to distract her mind. She went swimming or surfing, attended her dance classes, and organized excursions with her friends. But every time she returned home, she couldn't stop her eyes from scanning the beach, looking for the lone figure sitting on the sand. And she cursed herself for looking, and for getting upset.

She felt hurt and disappointed by his absence, but she knew it was her fault. She had sent that short and cold response. She had cut off all possibility of communication with him. There was no coming back from that.

She just wanted to forget him, but she couldn't. She didn't understand what was happening. He wasn't the first man she'd slept with, and he wasn't the most attractive or the most charismatic either. On the contrary, Severus had been unpleasant from the first moment, and had harassed her until he got what he wanted from her. There was no point in thinking about him all the time.

But she couldn't help but remember the way he had looked at her while he returned her lock of hair, or how he ran his dark eyes over her body when he thought she wasn't looking, or the touch of his hands and the taste of his lips, and their conversations on the beach, while they watched the sunset.

Shaking her head, Hellen cursed herself again. Why the hell did she have to think about him again? How she regretted sending that note!

Upon entering the house, she was greeted by Win, who had been away for a few days. Hellen never asked her about her absence, after all, she was a free elf and could do whatever she wanted. But that didn't stop her from being happy to see her return.

Without saying a word, Win handed her a letter. There was nothing written on the envelope, but when she opened it, Hellen recognized the handwriting, and her heart skipped a beat.

"How have you...?" she couldn't speak, because she was so surprised.

"Mr. Snape gave it to Win."

"How is it possible? Has he called you?" without believing it, Hellen read the letter, with expectation plastered on her face.

To her disappointment, it was not what she had expected to read. They were just a few polite and impersonal lines, with hardly any warmth or trace of tenderness.

"Why does he bother writing this?" she snorted, leaving the parchment on the table. She headed to the kitchen, irritated, and Win followed her.

"The miss may not believe it, but it took a lot of effort for Mr. Snape to respond."

"Anyone would think he was forced to do it," she muttered, before turning to the house-elf, glaring at her. "And why are you involved in this? Why do you answer to his call? Have you pressured him to answer me?"

Win flapped her ears and looked at her feet.

"Win thinks that the miss is too alone."

"I'm not alone. I have my friends. I have Kapono."

"They are not part of the magical world."

"I don't want to be part of the magical world!" Hellen slammed her hands on the counter, angrily. Win was silent for a few minutes, watching Hellen move back and forth, furious.

"It's just a letter, miss. A letter from a friend," she ventured timidly.

"He is not my friend."

The Dark Lady (Severus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now