3. The attack

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Win's influence was decisive for the Lady. Although the house-elf was a servant who had much lower rank and importance than the wizards who visited her, soon the girl began to see her differently.

To begin with, the elf sincerely cared about her, and was the only one who asked her how she was feeling and showed compassion when she returned injured from her trainings with Voldemort.

The elf gently treated her wounds, and prepared a bath so that the girl could recover her heat, while combing her hair slowly and softly. And always, without exception, she hugged her before going to sleep.

Of all the beings surrounding the Lady, Win was the only one who saw and comforted her in her most vulnerable moments.

Win never judged or insulted her, and she never hurt her. The house-elf was always sweet and patient, and tried to protect her from anything that could cause pain or discomfort. And when no one was looking, Win was the only one who talked to her, about things that went beyond magic and training.

Only Win noticed the changes that the Lady experienced as she grew up and took it upon herself to offer explanations and advice.

Win was the first one to find out when the young Lady got blood on her underwear. She also noticed the new shapes of the girl's body, and provided her with appropriate clothing. And so, little by little, Win became not only her only friend and advisor, but also the closest thing to a mother figure to her.


The Lady seethed with rage. She knew she shouldn't take sides and openly punish her death eaters, but she hated that the Carrows acted like this behind her back, without even asking permission to do so.

Furthermore, how were they going to get the students' collaboration if they were mistreated? It was difficult enough to maintain the tense truce with the teachers, not to mention how exhausting it was to mentally control their every move.

She could feel Dumbledore and McGonagall fighting her control spell tooth and nail, and she couldn't afford any distractions.

Every day she found it more difficult to keep the spell intact, and she was reaching the point of focusing all her energy and resources on it, neglecting other things.

The Lady wished her lord had assigned her other, more sensible death eaters, but there was little she could do except try to keep the situation from getting out of control.

At least, she hoped that Amycus had learned his lesson and wouldn't dare torture the students anymore.


When they finished preparing Amycus's office, the members of Dumbledore's Army headed to the Lady's chambers.

They had outlined several plans in case they encountered a Slytherin teacher or student, but they didn't need it. It seemed like no one at Hogwarts wanted to go near that corridor unless they had no other option.

Despite everything, they had to hurry, to finish before she returned. Furthermore, they had to be very careful, since they imagined that the witch would have protected her chambers with a large number of enchantments and curses.

Hermione tried to dissuade them, saying that they shouldn't do it, and listing the various punishments and repercussions that awaited them if they were found out, but no one listened to her. In the end, frustrated, she could do nothing but shout at her classmates as they walked down the hallway.

"It won't do any good! The room will be so protected against magic that you will not be able to enter."

But Harry had already foreseen that possibility and had anticipated it. If the Lady though like Voldemort, she would not be prepared against a muggle attack.

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